Pews News 02/10/22

Weekly Pews News no 22–40 2.10.22 HARVEST FESTIVAL SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 08:00              Holy Communion at St Thomas à Becket’s and St Richard’s, Gossamer Lane 09:30              Parish Family Eucharist with Harvest Thanksgiving Collect  Lord God, defend...

Pews News 25/09/22

Weekly Pews News no 22–39 25.9.22 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY (08:00            Holy Communion at St Richard’s, Aldwick) 09:30              Parish Eucharist 14:00            Holy Baptism of Daisy Mae Courcier Collect  Almighty God, whose only Son has opened for us...

Pews News 18/09/22

Weekly Pews News no 22–38 18.9.22         FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 08:00              Holy Communion – St Thomas à Becket and St Richard’s 09:30              Parish Eucharist 09:30           Sunday School in St Andrew’s Chapel (see below) Collect  Almighty...

Pews News 11/09/22

Weekly Pews News no 22–37 11.9.22 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY The Sunday after the death of Queen Elizabeth II (08:00            Holy Communion- St Richard’s Parish Church, Gossamer Lane, Aldwick) 09:30              Parish Eucharist Collect Merciful Father and...

Pews News 04/09/22

Weekly Pews News no 22–36 4.9.22 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 08:00              Holy Communion 09:30              Parish Family Eucharist with blessing of backpacks 14:00              Holy Baptism of Lily Mae Heath-Coleman Collect God of all mercy, in this eucharist...