At St Thomas à Becket’s we take the safeguarding of our children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously.
Safeguarding shows God’s love in action and in our church demonstrates safety and security where abuse and mistreatment of others is not tolerated.
Everyone involved in safeguarding positions undergoes Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, and receives regular training and updates.
Here you will find all the policies and documents that help us with this work. If you have any queries, please contact me (see below) and I will be very pleased to discuss any safeguarding matters with you.
Emily SiemieniecContacts
Parish Safeguarding Officer
For children, young adults and adults who are vulnerable
Emily Siemieniec
Phone: 07784398293
Other Key Contacts
Chichester Diocese Safeguarding
Safeguarding Advisor for Chichester Diocese
Phone: 01273 425792 Mobile 07500 771210
Thirtyone:eight Phone: 0845 0303 003 1111
West Sussex Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): for concerns about children
Phone: 01403 229900 Out of office hours: 0330 222 6664
West Sussex Adults’ CarePoint: for concerns for adults at risk of harm, abuse or neglect
Phone: 01243 642121
Phone: 0800 1111
Phone: 020 7730 3300
Worth Services: support for people affected by domestic abuse
Phone: 0330 2228181 Weekends, mobile: 07834 968539
The Life Centre: a confidential space for survivors and supporters to offload
For adults phone: 0844 847 7879
For under 18s phone: 0808 802 0808
Policies and Documents
Pagham Parish Church Parochial Church Council Safeguarding Statement
- As members of this PCC we are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of all our members.
- We recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
- We are committed to implementing all safeguarding policies and practice guidance issued by the House of Bishops.
- We will carefully select and train all those who work or volunteer in positions of trust. We will use the Disclosure and Barring Service, amongst other tools, to check the background of each person.
- We will respond, without delay, to every concern made that a person for whom we are responsible may have been harmed.
- We will co-operate fully with statutory agencies during any investigation concerning a member of the church community.
- We will seek to ensure that anyone for whom we have pastoral responsibility who has suffered abuse is offered support that meets their needs.
- We will respond appropriately to those who have committed sexual offences who wish to join our fellowship, following House of Bishop’s guidance and the advice of the Safeguarding Team.
- We will review this policy annually and as part of this process will ensure that all our procedures, particularly in relation to the Disclosure and Barring Service, are up to date.
House of Bishops’ policy statements
Child Protection
The Church of England, in all aspects of its life, is committed to and will champion the protection of children and young people both in society as a whole and in its own community.
It fully accepts, endorses and will implement the principle enshrined in the Children Act 1989, that the welfare of the child is paramount. The Church of England will foster and encourage best practice within its community by setting standards for working with children and young people and by supporting parents in the care of their children.
It will work with statutory bodies, voluntary agencies and other faith communities to promote the safety and well-being of children and young people. It is committed to acting promptly whenever a concern is raised about a child or young person or about the behaviour of an adult, and will work with the appropriate statutory bodies when an investigation into child abuse is necessary.
The Church of England is committed to encouraging an environment where all people and especially those who may be vulnerable for any reason are able to worship and pursue their faith journey with encouragement and in safety. Everyone, whether they see themselves as vulnerable or not, will receive respectful pastoral ministry recognizing any power imbalance within such a relationship.
Advice and Links
· If you are a child and you need to talk to someone about things that are happening to you that you don’t like, please click on this link which takes you the Childline website, or telephone Childline on 0800 1111
· If you are an adult and you need to access support about something that is happening to you, please click on this link to find out how you can do that. Scroll down to find links to various support organisations for you to contact.
· If you need to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please click on this link.
· If you need to report a safeguarding concern to the statutory authorities in Sussex, please click on this link, click on the option on the left that most describes the situation you are concerned about, and follow the advice and further links you find there. Please remember to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as well once you have contacted the statutory authorities.
Safeguarding Adults
All church workers involved in any pastoral ministry will be recruited with care including the use of the Criminal Records Bureau disclosure service when legal or appropriate. Workers will receive training and continuing support.
Any allegations of mistreatment, abuse, harassment or bullying will be responded to without delay. Whether or not the matter involves the church there will be cooperation with the police and local authority in any investigation.
Sensitive and informed pastoral care will be offered to anyone who has suffered abuse, including support to make a complaint if so desired: help to find appropriate specialist care either from the church or secular agencies will be offered.
Congregations will often include people who have offended in a way that means they are a continuing risk to vulnerable people. The risks will be managed sensitively with the protection of adults and children in mind.