Prayer & Study

Prayer Chain

There are times when you may need an urgent prayer. On such occasions the prayer chain of over 20 people can be activated to pray for you. Contact Gillian Purvis 01243 267597

Parish Book Group

Our aim is to read a variety of books which are meaningful to us as Christians, ideally 6 per year. Previous books have included ‘In the Midst of Life’ by Jennifer Worth, ‘The Language of God’ by Francis Collins, ‘Plain Truth’ by Jodi Picoult and ‘Faith Under Fire’ by Canon Andrew White. We meet at the vicarage and there is a choice of two discussion groups for each book – a 10am and an 8pm. Information about our current parish book can be found in Pews News and on the Book Group notice board in church.

Julian Prayer Group

We meet monthly at the homes of various of our members.  Meetings consist of an opening and concluding reading set against a background of appropriate music.  Between times we share half an hour of complete silence which allows us to listen to, or talk to God.  Contact Julia Webb 01243 266866


At Pagham we have a thriving and growing number of ‘Cursillistas’ among the church family – a number of individuals who have stepped out in faith to see what the Holy Spirit has in store for them.  Cursillo offers a method to examine the fundamentals of our faith and what it means to be effective Christians in the world today, both in a weekend of spiritual growth and renewal and through ongoing support in small groups and larger gatherings.

Contact 01243 263597

Find out more about Chichester Cursillo