by Editor | Nov 29, 2013 | Pews News
Notices Chichester Voices – Advent and Christmas Concert – Chichester Voices is looking forward to performing a concert of Advent & Christmas music on Thursday 19th December at 7.30pm in church. The concert is in aid of the FRIENDS OF CHICHESTER...
by Editor | Nov 22, 2013 | Events
The season of Advent is a time of watching and waiting, preparing for the coming of Christ. His coming points us to the past, present and future: in His birth at Bethlehem, in our hearts and lives today, in judgement and glory at the end of time. This Advent,...
by Editor | Nov 21, 2013 | Pews News
Notices Chichester Voices – Advent and Christmas Concert – Chichester Voices is looking forward to performing a concert of Advent & Christmas music on Thursday 19th December at 7.30pm in church. The concert is in aid of the FRIENDS OF CHICHESTER...
by Editor | Nov 18, 2013 | Pews News
Notices Chichester Voices – Advent and Christmas Concert – Chichester Voices is looking forward to performing a concert of Advent & Christmas music on Thursday 19th December at 7.30pm in church. The concert is in aid of the FRIENDS OF CHICHESTER...
by Editor | Nov 17, 2013 | Events, Youth
Alex and I entered a Father-Son team for this year’s Big Sleep Out. The event is organised by Stone Pillow, a local charity who help support the homeless in Chichester. It involves teams building cardboard shelters which they sleep in for the night. The weather...