by Editor | Mar 28, 2015 | Events
Pagham’s bell ringers are feeling very pleased with themselves following their success in the recent bell ringing competitions held on March 14th. These competitions, organised by the Western Division of the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers, take place...
by Editor | Mar 26, 2015 | Pews News
Notices Holy Week sign-up sheets are on the notice board for assistance in doing readings, having feet-washed and to indicate attendance for services which involve catering Easter Communions – should you need communion at home over Easter (or know someone who...
by Editor | Mar 18, 2015 | Pews News
Notices Holy Week sign-up sheets are on the notice board for assistance in doing readings, having feet-washed and to indicate attendance for services which involve catering Pilgrim Groups – Monday 23rd March 10am and Tuesday 24th March 8pm in St Andrew’s Chapel ...
by Editor | Mar 10, 2015 | Pews News
Notices Holy Week sign-up sheets are on the notice board for assistance in doing readings, having feet-washed and to indicate attendance for services which involve catering Pilgrim Groups – Monday 16th March 10am and Tuesday 17th March 8pm in St Andrew’s Chapel ...
by Editor | Mar 5, 2015 | Youth
On March 1st, around a dozen SAINTS enjoyed a climbing session at The Arena, led by our very own qualified climbing instructor Mike King. Here are some of the photos taken by Rev Jo…...