Pews News Christmas Day 2016 & New Year’s Day 2017

  Weekly Pews News No. 811/812 Colour of the season: W Date: 25th December 2016   Christmas Day   Collect: 25th December – Lord Jesus Christ, your birth at Bethlehem draws us to kneel in wonder at heaven touching earth: accept our heartfelt praise as we...

Youth Christmas Party 2016

As is the custom, to gain entry to the youth Christmas party guests have to wear festive gear. This year the array of Rudolph jumpers, decorated antlers, elf costumes and sparkles was most impressive. We kicked off our celebrations with a pizza building session and of...

Pews News 18/12/16

NOTICES   Decorating the Church for Christmas: Thursday 22nd from 9am. We will be decorating the church on Thursday morning. If you would like to help please either let Trudi know, or just come along. We would welcome donations of greenery, which should be...

Pews News 11/12/16

Registered charity number: 1134842   Weekly Pews News No. 809 Colour of the season: P Date: 11th December 2016   Third Sunday of Advent   Collect for the day: – O Lord Jesus Christ, who at your first coming sent your messenger to...

Christmas Market and Craft Fair

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! This was certainly so for everyone who came along our Christmas Market and Craft Fair on November 26th. There were gorgeous gifts and goodies to purchase, competitions to enter and delicious bacon butties to consume....