by Editor | May 28, 2015 | Pews News
NOTICES Flower Festival: Congratulations to all those who helped make this event such a tremendous success. Lots of people took the opportunity to enjoy both the flowers and refreshments on offer. We received some wonderful, well deserved feedback. Our thanks go to...
by Editor | May 20, 2015 | Pews News
Notices Time and Talents – We are delighted to say there have been some offers of help already, so do wait to hear back from the relevant person, which may yet take a short while as all the questionnaire responses are collated. Parish Book Club – Our current...
by Editor | May 16, 2015 | Pews News
Notices Time and Talents – Thank you to those who have returned their questionnaires and please keep them coming! Christian Aid Week 10th – 16th May 2015 Thank you to all those who have contributed to the fund raising for Christian Aid over the past week. If...
by Editor | May 5, 2015 | Pews News
Notices Time and Talents – Thank you to those who have returned their questionnaires and please keep them coming! Beating the Bounds – after church today we walk the parish boundaries asking God’s blessing on the land and all who dwell herein. ...