We are a small, enthusiastic and experienced choir. Our singing covers a wide range of church music from choral, traditional to the more modern. In addition to normal Sunday Eucharist service, the choir also sing as requested at weddings, funerals and any other special services during the year.
Bell Ringing
The six bells at Pagham Church are rung regularly for the Parish Eucharist, and for weddings, on New Year’s Eve and for special occasions and events. We practise every Monday evening at 7.30 pm and also arrange ringing outings and social gatherings. In a wider context there are further ringing opportunities through our affiliation to the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers. New recruits are always welcome to join our friendly band. Contact Mike Wake – 01243 264254

Lay Ministers of Communion
Lay Ministers of Holy Communion are authorised by the Bishop both to help distribute Holy Communion in church and to take Holy Communion (which has been consecrated at a eucharist) to members of the parish who are sick and/or unable to come to church.
The bishops of our diocese require all lay people who wish to become ministers of communion to participate in a short diocesan course organised by each deanery.
Knit and Natter
We get together each Wednesday in various homes for a friendly chat over a cup of tea. We are currently knitting for various good causes such as St Wilfrid’s Hospice and the Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Knitting is not obligatory and the group is not just for women!

Luncheon Club
We meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month at the United Reform Church Hall, Pagham Road. Our members range in age from 4 to over 100 and a minibus collects those who would otherwise be unable to come. Lunches are collected from The Bear Inn and then served by our team.
Contact Jean Hunt – 01243 268818
Men’s Group
We meet monthly to get to know each other and generally put the world to rights. The venue alternates between our parish pubs: The Inglenook, The Bear, The Lion and The Lamb in no particular order, and not all on the same night! Some Men’s Group members mastermind and construct St Thomas à Becket’s entry in the famous Pagham Pram Race, an extraordinary event which takes place every Boxing Day. In past years their Noah’s Ark and Jonah and the Whale have won victories in the race’s novelty category. The Men’s Group also host an annual Burns Night and play a key role at other church events. Their barbecues and bacon butties are legendary.
Contact Stephen Cox-Rusbridge – 07974 177905

Other Groups
Church Flowers, Church Watch, Churchyard, Sunday Coffee Fellowship, Sidesmen and Women, Altar Servers.