Church Community Tidies the Churchyard

Saturday 21st March 2020 7 members of the Church family turned up to keep the Churchyard tidy, who were then joined by 3 supervisors from the Community Team. (For the past few years the Community Team have worked in  the churchyard on a weekly basis, during the summer...

World Day of Prayer

St Thomas à Becket’s church hosted the World Day of Prayer service 2020.                                                           This year it was prepared by Christian women of Zimbabwe The theme was “Rise! Take-up your mat and walk”. Readers from 7...

Advent and Christmas 2019

Advent & Christmas 2019  Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40: 31) Advent marks the beginning of the church year. It is a time...