At St Thomas à Becket’s we aim to be as welcoming and accessible to everyone as we can. If you have a disability or special need, please let us know how we can help.
Access and Mobility
There are two car parks on Church Lane, just beyond the church and to the right. People with restricted mobility may be dropped off at the entrance to the church and then follow the level path to the church door. There is level access to the church door from the path. The path is lit after dark.
Do please be aware that as an ancient church, some of the stone flooring inside uneven. Access is level throughout the church, apart from to the high altar; a wheelchair ramp provides access to the high altar.
At various times during services the congregation will stand or kneel, as indicated in the service booklet. You are most welcome to remain seated if this is more comfortable for you. It is also our practice to bring the bread and wine of Holy Communion to the pew for anyone who would prefer this – please let a sidesman know before the start of the service if this is required.
When you arrive for a service a sidesman will help you to find a suitable seating place, if required. Seating inside is on wooden pews, or on chairs to the sides of the church (North and South transepts).
Toilet Facilities
We have a disabled toilet with baby changing facilities in the church.
Vision and Hearing
Large print service booklets, hymn books and copies of Pews News are available – when you arrive, please ask a sidesman. Throughout our printed material we use a clear font (verdana), and try to keep it as large as we can.
Microphones are used in our main services and the church has a hearing loop.
Church Centre
Wheelchair access to the entrance of the Church Centre is via a built-in ramp which is flanked by a handrail. There is a disabled toilet and baby changing facilities at the centre.