Pews News 26/09/21

Weekly Pews News no 21-39 26.9.2021                                                  Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday 26th September   08:00              Holy Communion 09:30              Parish Eucharist    14:00            Baptism of Grace Hope Pridie Collect...

Pews News 19/09/21 Harvest Festival

Weekly Pews News no 21-38 19.9.2021                                          Harvest Festival (Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity) Sunday 19th September   08:00              Holy Communion 09:30              Parish Family Eucharist    Collect Lord of creation, whose glory...

Pews News 12/09/21

Weekly Pews News no 21-37 12.9.2021                         Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday 12th September   08:00              Holy Communion 09:30              Parish Eucharist    14:00            Holy Baptism of Hallie Enid Dennis Collect  God, who in...

Pews News 05/09/21

Weekly Pews News no 21-36 5.9.2021                          Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday 5th September   08:00              Holy Communion 09:30              Parish Family Eucharist with the Bishop of Horsham, the Rt Revd Ruth Bushyager Collect  Merciful...