Pews News 30/08/15

    Weekly Pews News No. 741 Colour of the season: Green Date: 30th August 2015   Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity   Collect for the day: Almighty God, who called your Church to bear witness that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: help us...

Pews News 23/06/15

NOTICES Pilgrim: There will be new Pilgrim groups starting up in September, see the board for details. Please contact Jo if you are interested in joining a group.   BBQ: Sunday School families BBQ and Picnic will be held on Sunday 6th September at 12.00 noon...

Pews News 16/08/15

NOTICES   Pilgrim: There will be new Pilgrim groups starting up in September, see the board for details. Please contact Jo if you are interested in joining a group.   BBQ: Sunday School families BBQ and Picnic will be held on Sunday 6th September at 12.00 noon don’t...

Pews News 09/08/15

NOTICES   Pilgrim: There will be new Pilgrim groups starting up in September, see the board for details. Please contact Jo if you are interested in joining a group.   BBQ: Sunday School families BBQ and Picnic will be held on Sunday 6th September at 12.00...