Weekly Pews News

no 21-37

12.9.2021                         Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 12th September  

08:00              Holy Communion

09:30              Parish Eucharist   

14:00            Holy Baptism of Hallie Enid Dennis

Collect  God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit upon your Church in the burning fire of your love: grant that your people may be fervent in the fellowship of the gospel that, always abiding in you, they may be found steadfast in faith and active in service; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.   Amen.

Readings  Isaiah 50: 4–9a; Psalm 116: 1–8; James 3: 1–12; Mark 8: 27–end

Psalm response: I will walk in the presence of the Lord.


Sunday 12th September

Intention: our local industry and commerce, our farmers and growers, and the holiday industry; the staff and guests of Church Farm Holiday Village.

Monday 13th September – John Chrysostom, bishop, teacher of the faith, 407

Intention: our choir and musicians; our lay ministers of communion, altar servers, welcome team and bell-ringers.

09:00            Morning prayer (in church)

Tuesday 14th September – HOLY CROSS DAY

Intention: our Parochial Church Council, its officers and committees; all those who serve our Church in any way.

17:30            Evening prayer (on Zoom)

19:00              Tuesday@7 communion service

Wednesday 15th September – Cyprian, bishop, martyr, 258

Intention: our local community; our Parish Pastoral Care Team, local Residents’ Associations, and the County, District and Parish Councils.

17:30            Evening Prayer (on Zoom)

19:30            PCC meeting

Thursday 16th September – Ninian, bishop, apostle of the Picts, c.432

Intention: those married here and preparing for marriage this year; family life, and especially any families facing adversity.

09:00            Morning prayer (in church)

10:00              Holy Communion

Friday 17th September – Hildegard, abbess, visionary, 1179

Intention: the press, radio and television corporations, and all who influence public opinion; also Christian publishing and broadcasting.

Saturday 18th September

Intention: all seafarers, fishermen and lifeboat crews, and the work of Mission to Seafarers.
Sunday 19th September – Harvest Festival & Parish Family Eucharist (16th after Trinity)

Readings: (Jeremiah 11: 18–20; Psalm 54;) 1 Timothy 6: 6-10; Matthew 6: 25–33

We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit Lynette, Rosie Sims, Terry Haskell, Barbara Crew, Jean Martin, Karen Cox, Jim Fowler, Sheila King, Dawn Spurway Pearson, Mo Ford, Nicola Simpson, Steve Lomas.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Pat Rush (262561) to activate the Prayer Chain.

The recently departed Madge Breakspear, Jennifer Sear.

Anniversary of death Andy Dixon (15th); Arthur Riddle, Peter Whittall (16th).

We remember Church family who live in residential care or usually receive communion at home: Kathleen Dudley.

We pray for Jackie and Dan, due to be married here yesterday; also Hallie, who is to be baptised this afternoon, and her parents and godparents.


Current Covid restrictions It is currently not necessary to book in for services.

A big thank you to you all for your support, prayer and cards as I was licensed Priest-in-Charge of Pagham by Bishop Ruth on Monday evening. It was a wonderful celebration and thank you to all those who made the occasion possible.

Tuesday@7 This is a service that I hope will be particularly attractive to families and is offered for those who find Sunday morning services a little difficult to get to. Length 30-40 mins. Everyone is very welcome.

Quiet Garden morning, Wednesday 15th at Runcton Manor, 10:45 for 11:00–13:00, outside and distanced. It starts with a short meditation, then free time in the garden and labyrinth, reading, writing or drawing, or just being still. More info from Alison (contact below) or runctonmanor.com.

Harvest We will give thanks for and celebrate the harvest on Sunday 19th at 09:30 with a Parish Family Eucharist. Collections taken this year will be given to the Bognor Regis Foodbank.

Harvest Festival Flowers: If you would like to contribute to the cost of the Harvest flowers, please speak to Trudi: 263597/07703597353.

Madge Breakspear RIP Madge’s funeral will take place in church on Friday 24th at 12:00. All are welcome to attend; family flowers only. The service will be followed by a reception at The Lamb. If you hope to attend this please let Mthr Lucy know, to help the family with catering.

Book group Our next meeting is on Friday 1st October at 14:30 in St Andrew’s Chapel, to discuss ‘Galileo’s Daughter’ by Dava Sobel. If you have any questions please contact Linda Tempest: lindatempest@hotmail.com, 07443 905893.

Admission to Holy Communion before Confirmation Thank you to those who have registered their interest in this. A short course of preparation will run in the autumn – details to be shared in due course. If you have a child/children in school year 6 or above who are interested in this, please contact Mthr Lucy.

Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal 2021 Leaflets are now available from Trudi – contact as above. If you are unable to fill a box but would like to contribute, perhaps you could donate some items, or help with monetary donations to cover costs of transport etc. Please return boxes by Sunday 7th November for blessing at the Family Eucharist.

Sunday School We look forward to returning to Sunday School on Sunday 17th October at 09:30. To begin with, this will run once a month, on the third Sunday, and will be open to those in primary school years. To find out more, contact Linda Tempest: lindatempest@hotmail.com, 07443 905893.


CONTACT DETAILS        –        find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @StThomasPagham

Priest-in-Charge: The Revd Lucy Sullivan

19 Willowhale Avenue, Bognor Regis, PO21 4AU mthrlucy.pagham@gmail.com, 01243 941551.

Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Alex Brockhurst: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org, 07899 705632//07792 544259.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org.

Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst, safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131, 07784 544981.