Weekly Pews News

No. 773

Colour of the season: W

Date: 17th April 2016


Fourth Sunday of Easter



Collect for the day:


Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.




Response to Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want.



Our Opportunities for Worship today


  Fourth Sunday of Easter                                    (W)                                                                                                                                                             
8.00am Holy Communion (Easter 3)

Readings: 1 Peter 2: 11-17, John 16: 16-22

9.45am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Acts 9: 36-end, Psalm 23, Revelation 7: 9-end, John 10: 22-30

Hymns: 637, 323, 354, 8  

Communion: 156, 643, 525

12.00noon Baptism of Maxwell Longhurst
5.00pm Evening Prayer – Celtic


After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments in St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better


Sunday 17th April

Intention: Pray for the press, radio and televisions and for all who influence public opinion; for Christian publishing and broadcasting.

Anniversary: Minnie Vickery (1987)

Monday 18th April

Intention: Pray for all seafarers, fishermen, lifeboatmen and women and for the work of the Mission to Seafarers.

Anniversary: Catherine Vagg (2013)


Tuesday 19th April – Alphege

Intention: Pray for Church finances, national and international finance; for what the words poverty and wealth mean to us.


12noon        Funeral of Jack Ridgeway

7.00pm          The Eucharist


Wednesday 20th April

Intention: Pray for all victims of violence, crime and oppression; for all those who seek to support them.

Anniversary: Raymond Dobson (2003), Beatrice Reed (2011)


10.00am        Holy Communion

1.30pm       Wednesday Tots at the Church Centre (opp Pagham FC)

2-4pm         Knit and Natter at Glenda’s – 31 Sea Lane (263537)

Thursday 21st April – Anselm

Intention: Pray for the sick in body, mind or spirit; for the addicted, handicapped or incurable; for the work of St Wilfrid’s Hospice.


Friday 22nd April

Intention: Pray for our Deanery of Arundel and Bognor, for our parishes, clergy and people; for our Rural Dean Mark Standen, and for the work of the Deanery Synod.

Anniversary: Christopher Goring (1989)


Saturday 23rd April – George

Intention: Pray for all those who do difficult work on our behalf, especially in the armed services and the emergency services.







We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: Anthea Potter, Frank Lawton, Elizabeth Dove, David Nash, Greg Huet, Winifred, Elsie, Gwynneth, Jean Marchant, Ross Parker, Wendy, Charlotte Wiseman, Ann Harney, David and Rita Thompson, Ellen, Jill Burgess.

For urgent prayer please contact Gillian Purvis (Tel: 267597) or Colin Wood (Tel: 264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.


We pray for those who have died recently: Adrian, Luke Jeffrey, William Isott, Jack Ridgeway, Derek Bech, Charles Marchant.


We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.


We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in Greenways, Hadlands and Harbour Road.


We pray for Maxwell Longhurst on his baptism and for his parents and godparents.


We pray for the ministry of the Church Army, whose work we support financially as a parish.




Church Website update: To add content to the website email editor@paghamchurch.org


Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at 16 Havelock Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 2EZ. Tel: 262713. Email: vicar@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday)


Revd. Jo King can be contacted on curate@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday) or 01243 276949.



Next Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter                                      (W)                                                                                                                                                             
8.00am Holy Communion (Easter 4)

Readings: James 1: 17-21, John 16: 5-15

9.45am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Acts 11: 1-18, Psalm 148, Revelation 21: 1-6, John 13: 31-35

Hymns: 433, 311, 470, 435

Communion: 517, 35, 386.

5.00pm Evening Prayer – Common Worship

Daniel 6: 1-23, Mark 15: 46-16: 8




Message from Elizabeth Pope: Adrian passed away very peacefully on 1st April and Brian and Elizabeth would like to thank everyone for their prayers, love and kind messages at this sad time.


Support CMS: Alison Blenkinsop (Tel: 251131) is taking part in a 10K ‘Walk with Jesus’ from Goodwood on Saturday 7th May, to raise funds for the Church Mission Society. Sponsorship forms are at the back of church if you wish to support this worthy cause.


Isobel Aldred: Isobel has now moved into a nursing home and can be contacted/visited at Yew Tree House, North End Road, Yapton, BN18 ODU, Tel: 552575.

Good News deliverers: We currently have two rounds without deliverers – Manor Park and West Drive. If you can offer any assistance please speak to Mo Hatzfeld (268576) or Trudi Kearsley (263597).


St George’s day Night to Remember: Friday 22nd April 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Roast Beef followed by Apple Crumble. Tickets – Adults £15, under 12’s £7.50. ‘Friends’ members £14. Tickets and details – Stephen 266800/Richard 07825309585.


APCM: The Annual Meeting takes place on Saturday 23rd April at 7.30pm in church. All are very welcome to attend to hear about all aspects of church life, ask questions, elect officers and enjoy St George’s Day drinks!


Art Exhibition: Saturday April 30th – Monday May 2nd, sign-up sheets on the noticeboard. Please add your name if you are able to help – catering or stewarding. Entry forms are available at the back of church.


EU Referendum Discussion Evening: All are welcome to descend upon The Lamb on Wednesday 11th May 7 for 7.30pm for a free-flowing evening of putting the world to rights on Britain and the EU!


Parish Book Group: Our current book is “God before Breakfast – Thoughts for the Day” by Angela Tilby. See the Book Group notice board for further information and sign-up sheets. Join a discussion group on Monday 16th May at 8pm or Thursday 19th May at 10am.


Registered charity number: 1134842



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