29th August 2020,


Dear Friends,

I am looking forward to meeting you all very soon and to joining the communities of Pagham and Aldwick.

My first Sunday with you all will be the 13th September. As some of you may have anticipated in order to enable me to serve both communities there will need to be some small changes to the usual pattern of worship in each the church. I am very grateful to the Churchwardens and PCC of both parishes for their help in negotiating and agreeing these initial changes.

From the 13th September our new pattern for worship will be as follows:


0800 BCP Holy Communion (alternating between parishes, starting in Aldwick on the 13th September)

0930 Parish Eucharist- St Thomas à Becket, Pagham

1115 Parish Eucharist- St Richard’s, Aldwick


1000 Eucharist- St Richard’s, Aldwick


1000 BCP Holy Communion- St Thomas à Becket, Pagham

Together we will continue to review and reflect on this pattern of worship and I look forward to adding evening services in both parishes in due course.

This is a time of change for us all and change can be uncomfortable, especially in uncertain times, but I hope that with prayer and in listening we can find a way forward that works in both Pagham and Aldwick.

Be assured of my prayer for you all in this time of preparation.

Every blessing

Mthr Lucy