Weekly Pews News

no 21-17


Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 25th April

08:00              Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

09:30              Parish Eucharist

Readings: Acts 4: 5–12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3: 16–end; John 10: 11–18

Collect Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

Sunday 25th April  

Intention: our Diocese of Chichester, Bishops Martin, Ruth and Will, and Archdeacon Luke; the work of Diocesan Synod and Church House; the witness of Chichester Cathedral.

Monday 26th April – Mark the Evangelist

Intention: the elderly, lonely and bereaved; all those in residential care and those who care for them.

09:00            Morning prayer (in church)

Tuesday 27th April

Intention: all who work for peace and justice; the maintenance of good relationships with the United Nations and all other countries.

17.30            Evening prayer (Zoom)

Wednesday 28th April

Intention: vocations to the ordained ministry, especially in our own parish; theological colleges and ordinands in training; our own parish ordinand Gemma Fleury; vocations to the religious life.

17.30            Evening prayer (Zoom)

19:30            Annual Parochial Church Meeting (see below)

Thursday 29th April – Catherine of Siena, teacher of the faith, 1380

Intention: our mission to our own parish; the outreach of our parish newsletter; all newcomers to Pagham, and to our Church family.

09:00            Morning prayer (in church)
10:00              Holy Communion

Friday 30th April  

Intention: our neighbouring Churches, and the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District.

Saturday 1 May – Philip and James, Apostles

Intention: our Parish Team – Clergy: Lucy Sullivan, Colin Wood, Bill Meyer; Reader: Roland Ell; Churchwardens.

Sunday 2 May – Fifth Sunday of Easter  

Readings: Acts 8: 26–end; Psalm 22: 25–end; 1 John 4: 7–end; John 15: 1–8


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Lynette, Rosie Sims, Terry Haskell, Barbara Crew, Jean Martin, Lila Cowee, Karen Cox, Jim Fowler, Sheila King, Carole & Ian Turner, John Kitchener.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to start the Prayer Chain.

Recently departed Francis ‘Frank’ Williams, Pauline Fuller.

Anniversary of death John Lewis, Hilda Boddy, Alan Dudley (25th); Pamela Clift (27th); Ronald Reed (28th); Ernie Webb, Derek Willson (29th); Gordon Eddy (1st May).

We remember Church family who live in residential care or usually receive communion at home: Bett Steenerson, Jane Upton.

We pray for all affected directly by Covid-19; and at this time for all those who are feeling particularly vulnerable with the lifting of restrictions.


Returning to public worship We will return to public worship from Sunday 25th April. Please note that all steps for creating a Covid safe environment will be in place, most notably: the wearing of face mask unless you are exempt, observing social distance and using hand-sanitiser on arrival. Booking is encouraged and will help us to arrange seating: contact Trudi Kearsley, T 263597, M 07703 597353.

Archdeaconry Confirmation On 8th July the Bishop of Lewes will confirm candidates from the Archdeaconry of Chichester, at St Mary’s Littlehampton. If you are a young person in school year 9 or above, or an adult and are interested in being prepared for confirmation, please make contact with Mthr Lucy. Details on Admission to Holy Communion before Confirmation will follow later, for those in Year 6 and above who are seeking this.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting The APCM will take place on Zoom, on Wednesday 28th April at 19:30. This is a meeting open to all, where we review and update on the activities and business of the Parochial Church Council over the past year, elect churchwardens and elect new members to the PCC. This year there are 5 spaces on the PCC. If you are willing to serve the Church community in this way, then please speak to Mo Hatzfeld (the PCC Secretary) for more information. If you are unable to attend the APCM on Zoom but have questions you would like addressed, please submit these to Mo by Tuesday 27th April.

Church cleaning We need your help in order to keep the church clean and tidy for the benefit of worshippers and visitors alike. This would entail just one hour per month, working with a team. If you are interested please contact Sue Miller: email sue.armex@btinternet.com or 07845 926766.

CONTACT DETAILS        –        find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @StThomasPagham.

The Revd Lucy Sullivan: 19 Willowhale Avenue, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 4AU.
mthrlucy.pagham@gmail.com, 01243 941551.

Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Stephen Cox-Rusbridge: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org,
07899 705632//07974 177905.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org.

Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst, safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131, 07784 544981.


Registered charity number 1134842
