Confirmation – The next confirmation is on Sun 22 June, 5.30pm at the cathedral. Preparation sessions begin on Thursday 24th April 8pm at the Vicarage, ask Mark if you might be interested in taking this step in faith and there will be informal preparation opportunities through Lent.


Good News delivery help – Could anyone help deliver when people are on holiday or ill? And we need a new helper to deliver to Cardinals Drive, Pagham. Please contact Anthea (264466).


Lifts to Church – A regular member of our congregation who lives off Hook Lane, Rose Green, is no longer able to attend the 9.45am weekly service as her regular lift has come to an end. As Kathleen fairly recently moved to this area to be near her son, she is missing her Church “family” on the Isle of Wight. If you feel able to offer Kathleen a lift, either on a regular basis or, say, a couple of Sundays each month, she would be extremely grateful. Please contact Julia Webb (266866) to discuss possibilities.


Lent – please take a leaflet to help you enter into the spiritual opportunities of Lent.


2014 dates – do take away a list of significant dates for this year to add to your diary.


Revision of Electoral Roll – Our annual revision of the roll begins today (Sunday 23rd March).  Please see Beth Huxley or Mark to get a form if you are not currently on the Church Electoral Roll.


Chichester Voices Concert in St Thomas à Becket Church, Church Lane, Pagham, In aid of ‘Hope for Tomorrow’ on Thurs 27th March 2014 at 7.30pm, Tickets £10 with concessions (£7.50) from Box Office on 07900 098197 or in church from Andrew Naylor, also available on the door.


Easter Week day pilgrimage to Oxford – please see the poster for details of this occasion on Friday 25th April.


Church helpers required to keep our beautiful church clean and tidy. Just 1.5 hours one day per month light exercise. Join the team, enjoy the fellowship, and the rewards will speak for themselves! Contact Sue Miller; 01243 261839 or 07845 926766, email


During Lent we would be very pleased if you would consider following the Christian Aid Count your Blessings 2014, Thank you to all those who picked up leaflets last Sunday, you can also download an app via  “Count Your Blessings is a great way of using the discipline of Lent to remind ourselves of just how fortunate we are, and of the very practical ways in which we can share our blessings with those in greatest need” We will be collecting donations for Count your Blessings at the end of Lent.


Lent Quiet morning – Saturday 12th April – sign up on sheet to indicate interest


Please also join us at the Vicarage for Super Soup lunch in aid of Christian Aid on Wednesday 9th April from 12 – 2pm For further information see Sue, Gillian, Elise or Trudi.


Church Website update: To add content to the website email


Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email:


Pews News: Sarah or Nikki can be contacted via Email:

or tel. Mark Eminson 262713

The Church of St Thomas a’Becket, Pagham

Weekly Pews News

No.667   23rd March 2014

Colour of the season: Purple


Third Sunday of Lent


Collect for the day: Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Response to Psalm 95: O that today you would hearken to his voice! Harden not your hearts.




0ur Opportunities for Worship today

Third Sunday of Lent                                                (P)


Holy Communion 

Readings: Ephesians 5: 1-14, Luke 11: 14-28



Parish Eucharist 

Readings: Exodus 17: 1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5: 1-11, John 4: 5-42

Hymns: 161, 45, 297, 817, Communion: 369


Evening Worship – Choral Evensong

Readings: Joshua 1: 1-9, Ephesians 6: 10-20




After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments in

St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better.



Sunday 23rd March

Intention: Pray for all those who do difficult work on our behalf, especially in the armed services & the emergency services.

Anniversaries: Norman Teulon (1988) John Pegnall (2007)

8.00 am Holy Communion 

9.45 am Parish Eucharist 

4.30 pm Evening Worship – Choral Evensong


Monday 24th March                    

Intention:  Pray for the Church’s worldwide mission; for all the missionary societies and for The Bible Society.

7.30pm Prayer Group at Gillian’s – 18 Old Place, Aldwick

7.30pm Bell Ringers

7.30pm Church Lay Ministers of Communion training in Church


Tuesday 25th March The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Intention: Pray for Christian unity. Pray for our Diocese of Chichester, our Bishops, Martin and  Mark, the archdeacons, clergy & people; for the work of Diocesan Synod & Church House; for the witness of Chichester Cathedral.

Anniversary: David Horlock (1990)

2pm Burial of ashes of Alan Harmer

7.00pm Eucharist


Wednesday 26th March

Intention:  Pray for the elderly, lonely & bereaved; for all those in residential care and those who care for them.

10.00am Holy Communion 

2-4pm Knit & Natter – at Glenda’s 31 Sea Lane, 263537

7.30pm Stations of the Cross and Discussion Group


Thursday 27thMarch Intention: Pray for Peace. For the European Union & The United Nations Organisation.

Anniversary: Kenneth Winfield M.B.E. (2002)

7.30pm Chichester Voices Concert


Friday 28thMarch

Intention: Pray for vocations to the ordained ministry, especially any within our own parish; for our theological colleges and for all ordinands in training.

Anniversary: Frank Myatt (1981)


Saturday 29th March

Intention: Pray for our mission to our own parish; for the outreach of our parish newsletter; for all newcomers to Pagham and to our church family.

Anniversary: Jean Jackson (2001)

7-9pm Youth Social Vicarage




Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer

Morning prayer: Monday to Thursday and Saturday 9.20am. Friday 8.30am

Evening Prayer: Monday to Thursday 5.20 pm. Friday 4.30pm

No evening prayer on Saturday


We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: Patricia Pooley, Peter Spurway, Lucia Elsom, Sonia, Eddie, David Biddle, the Hodges family, Issey Riley.


To add someone to the prayer list either write their name on the board near the church door or let Mark or the editors of Pews News know.  We will pray for that person for about a month.  After a month the name can be added again, but it is the responsibility of the one who made the initial request.


For urgent prayer contact Angela Halfacree to activate the Prayer Chain

(Tel: 864353).


For longer-term prayer needs contact Gillian Purvis (tel 267597).


We pray for those who have died recently, Tim Atherton,  Ruby Baker, Justin Southern, Yvonne Ghosh and for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.


We pray for Ashley Campbell and his family during his tour in Afghanistan.



Chichester Cathedral Free Lunchtime Concerts – the summer programme commencing 29 April is displayed on the notice boards. Take your own sandwiches; coffee provided. Retiring Collection.  Feel free to come and go as you wish.


Chichester Cathedral Newsletter is on the bookcase. Each Parish receives only one copy of the newsletter so if you take it away to read please return it as soon as possible.


Next Sunday

Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)     (P)                                  


Holy Communion 

Readings: Galatians 4: 21-end, John 6: 1-14




Parish Eucharist (with commissioning of Parish Pastoral Care team)

Readings: Exodus 2: 1-10, Psalm 23,  John 19: 25b-27

Hymns: 474, 856, 413, 819, Communion: 184 & 25


Evening Worship – Stations of the Cross
















Registered Charity No 1134842