Weekly Pews News

no 22-2





Sunday 9th January   

08:00              Holy Communion

09:30              Parish Eucharist

14:00            Holy Baptism of Savannah and Joshua McMaster

Collect Eternal Father, who at the baptism of Jesus revealed him to be your Son, anointing him with the Holy Spirit: grant to us, who are born again by water and the Spirit, that we may be faithful to our calling as your adopted children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Readings  Isaiah 43: 1–7; Psalm 29; Acts 8: 14–17; Luke 3: 15–17, 21–22

Psalm response  The Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.

Sunday 9th January

Intention: the Queen and Royal Family, our nation and government, and our local MP Nick Gibb.

Monday 10th January

Intention: our local clubs and organisations, especially our Ladies’ Club and Men’s Group, and Pagham Luncheon Club.

09:00            Morning prayer (at church)

Tuesday 11th January

Intention: our Scouts, Guides, Cadets and other local youth organisations.

17:30           Evening prayer (on Zoom)

Wednesday 12th January – Aelred, abbot, 1167

Intention: our local industry and commerce, our farmers and growers, and the holiday industry; the staff and guests of Church Farm Holiday Village.

17.30            Evening prayer (on Zoom)

Thursday 13th January – Hilary, bishop, teacher of the faith, 367

Intention: our choir and musicians; our lay ministers of communion, altar servers, welcome team and bell-ringers.

09.00            Morning prayer (at church)

10:00              Holy Communion

Friday 14th January

Intention: our Parochial Church Council, its officers and committees; all those who serve our Church in any way.

17:00            Choir practice

Saturday 15th January

Intention: our local community; our Parish Pastoral Care Team, local Residents’ Associations, and the County, District and Parish Councils.

Sunday 16th January – Second Sunday of Epiphany

Readings: Isaiah 62: 1–5; Psalm 36: 5–10; 1 Corinthians 12: 1–11; John 2: 1–11


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit Lynette, Rosie Sims, Terry Haskell, Barbara Crew, Karen Cox, Jim Fowler, Sheila King, Dawn Spurway Pearson, Mo Ford, Nicola Simpson, Betty Smith, Heather Marchant, Mike Hatzfeld, Andrew Naylor, Colin May, Lucy Gammon.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Pat Rush (262561) to start the Prayer Chain.

Anniversary of death Maisie Knight (9th); Ida Turton, Pamela Bech (10th); June Bunning, Della Hooper, Hilda Lock, Allan Darlow, Sidney Earwaker (11th); Olivia Cole, Frederick Gray, Mary Kitchen (12th); Frederick Hadler, George Weaver, Clive Bratt (13th); Margaret Woombell 14th); Gladys Pickett (15th).

We remember Church family who live in residential care or usually receive communion at home: Kathleen Dudley.

We pray for our Priest-in-Charge Lucy Sullivan and her family, as they mourn the loss of Lucy’s mother Alix Sullivan before Christmas.

We pray for Savannah and Joshua McMaster who are to be baptised on Sunday, and their parents and godparents.


Face coverings It is mandatory to wear face coverings when in places of worship. You are asked to wear your face covering at all times when attending services/events in the church including when singing, please, unless medically exempt. We also ask that you use the hand sanitizer available at the door on arrival. Mthr Lucy and the Wardens will continue to review our COVID-19 practices regularly, so please be aware of notices on the pew sheet and in church.

Transept seating These side areas are kept for those who wish to maintain social distancing. There are ‘red crosses’ available to place on the seats beside you, to signal that you want to keep social distance.

Friends of Pagham Church annual fundraising quiz – last chance! The quiz is still available for £2 from Mo Hatzfeld (268576) or Trudi Kearsley (263597) for a prize of £100. Entries should be returned by Sunday 9th; the draw will be made after the Parish Eucharist next Sunday 16th.
NB Question 10: for BC, read AD!

Book group Our next meeting is on Friday 4th February at 14:30 in St Andrew’s Chapel. We will be discussing ‘Two dogs and a parrot’ by Joan Chittister. More information from Linda Tempest, lindatempest@hotmail.com, 07443 905893.

Tea and chat at the Church Centre will return in February.

Support the Square Meal Project as you shop This scheme, set up by the Rotary Club, provides food vouchers to families in need. It is run by Cooperative stores: shoppers register as members (for £1, recouped by savings), and choose this charity to support; funds are raised by buying ‘own brand’ items (raising 1p in every £1).

CONTACT DETAILS        –      find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @StThomasPagham

Priest-in-Charge: The Reverend Lucy Sullivan
19 Willowhale Avenue, Bognor Regis, PO21 4AU  mthrlucy.pagham@gmail.com, 01243 941551.

Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Alex Brockhurst: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org,
07899 705632//07792 544259.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org.

Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst, safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131, 07784 544981.