Weekly Pews News

no 20-36                                      Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

6 September 2020                                     

Worship online
Chichester Diocese:


Radio & TV broadcasts: Sunday Worship on Radio 4 at 8:10 am; Songs of Praise on BBC1 at 1.15 pm; Choral Evensong broadcast every Wednesday on Radio 3 at 3.30 pm, repeated on Sunday at 3 pm.
Also Premier Christian Radio daily; Sunday service 7 am-1 pm (on DAB nationally, Freeview 725, mobile apps); Angel Radio Sunday service 9 am, rep 11.30 pm (local radio for the older community, on FM 89.3, DAB and online: http://angelradio.co.uk/)

Smartphone free apps: C of E Time to Pray, Daily Prayer, Pray As You Go, Lectio365.

24-hour freephone: Daily Hope (for Christian worship), set up by Archbishop Justin: 0800 804 8044.

Collect  Almighty God, who called your Church to bear witness that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: help us to proclaim the good news of your love, that all who hear it may be drawn to you; through him who was lifted up on the cross, and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.    Amen.

Readings for today

8 am Holy Communion (for reading at home): Galatians 3: 16-22; Luke 10: 23b-37

9:45 am The Eucharist (in church): Ezekiel 33: 7-11; Psalm 119: 33-40; Romans 13: 8–end;
Matthew 18: 15-20   NB the last one at 9.45 am – see below

Psalm response: Give me understanding and I shall keep your law.

Sunday 6 September

Intention: our Archbishops, Justin Welby of Canterbury and Stephen Cottrell of York; the work of the Archbishops’ Council and General Synod; the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Church Family: Anne & Roger Cormack; Lila Cowee; Amanda, Stephen, Benjamin & Alice Cox-Rusbridge; Barbara & Alan Crew; Corinne, Tony, Darren, Joseph, Alistair & Zoe Crisp.

4.15 pm        Singing of hymns in Swandene (time dependent on the weather) – see below.

Anniversary: Reginald Holyoak (1996)

Monday 7 September

Intention: our schools, colleges and universities; all teachers and learners, governors and administrators.

Church family: John Crockford; Sarah, Shane, Oliver, Harriet & Henry Crow; Jeanne Dalton; Margaret Darlow; Sue Davis; Carole & Richard Druce; Kathleen Dudley.

Anniversary: Ena Groves (1995); Hazel Hope (2000)

Tuesday 8 September – Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Intention: the hungry, homeless, refugees and asylum seekers; the work of Church Army, Christian Aid and all relief agencies; our local charities Stonepillow and Bognor Regis Foodbank.

Church family: Jo Eden; Carole & Gary Edwards; Sue Edwards; Sally-Ann, Roland & Vicky Ell; Jenny, Stuart, Sophie & Georgia Ellis; David & Paul Evans; June & Bruce Evans; Hugh Evans.

Wednesday 9 September

Intention: the Queen and Royal Family, our nation and government, and our local MP Nick Gibb.

Church family: Ayshea, John & Trinity Feaver; Lynda, Philip, Riley & Caitlin Foyn; Vicky, Joseph, Oliver & Harry Fuller; Clare & Abigail Furse; Heather & David Gamble.

10 am             Holy Communion   (the last one on a Wednesday – see below)

Anniversary: Tony Perez (2013)

Thursday 10 September

Intention: our local clubs and organisations, especially our Ladies’ Club and Men’s Group, and Pagham Luncheon Club.

Church family: Joy & Mark Garbett; Donna Grace, Aimee & Pete Boteler, Jane Ewers; Lea Grace, Marlee Grace-Edwards & Luke Edwards; Julie, Eric, & Zoe Green, Gemma & Jonathan Fleury.

Friday 11 September

Intention: our Scouts, Guides, Cadets and other local youth organisations.

Church family: Tricia Green & Ellie; Ann Gristwood; Jennifer, Jeff, Lara & Evie Gwynn; Elaine & John Hankin; Jo, Richard, Ella & James Hatch; Mo & Mike Hatzfeld.

Anniversary: Eileen Piper  (2008); David Dewing (2011)

Saturday 12 September

Intention: our local industry and commerce, our farmers and growers, and the holiday industry; the staff and guests of Church Farm Holiday Village.

Church family: Mandy & Robin Henderson; Claire, Nick, Reya, NJ & Michael Henderson; Sarah, Oliver, Dylan & Aniela Hicklin; Val & David Hilditch; Linda & Michael Hill.

Sunday 13 September 

9:30 am (NB time change) The Eucharist: Genesis 50: 15-21; Psalm 103: 8-13; Romans 14: 1-12; Matthew 18: 21-35


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Lynette, Rosie Sims, Richard Rundle, Terry Haskell, Jean Martin, Lila Cowee, Barbara Crew, June Evans, Zoe, Bea & Laurie Tucker, Karen Cox, Jim Fowler, Father Chris, Kelly & Charlotte & Sophia Tomsett, Sheila King.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to start the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died: Spencer Tomsett, Jim Druce.

We remember Church family who live in residential care or usually receive communion at home: Beatrice Armstrong, Mary Baxter, Madge Breakspear, Lila Cowee.

We pray for God’s blessing on all who live in our parish: Sea Way, Sefter Road, Shirley Close.

We pray for the Revd Lucy Sullivan as she prepares for her licensing at the Bishop’s palace on Tuesday 8th, and her first service here on Sunday 13th.

We pray for all affected directly by Covid-19; for local religious and secular organisations as they make adjustments to their programmes for the autumn.


Church services: as Sunday numbers are limited, please inform Trudi by 8pm on Saturday by email, phone or text, to book your place: trudikearsley@hotmail.co.uk; 01243 263597//07703 597353.

Bring your own order of service, by email from Trudi, or your own prayer book. A few printed copies are available in church for those not on email, to be kept by each person for future services.

From Sunday 13th, we will celebrate the Eucharist at 9.30 am to give time for Lucy to get to St Richard’s, Aldwick, for their main service which is being deferred to 11.15 am. Sunday services of Holy Communion at 8 am (BCP) will resume weekly, as far as possible, with every other service to be led by the Revd Lucy (alternating with Aldwick) from 20th. Wednesday 10 am Holy Communion (BCP) will move to Thursday 10 am. Please be prepared for more possible changes through the autumn!

Face coverings: it is mandatory for all who come into church to wear a face covering, unless they are exempt. Cotton masks are available in church for a donation to church funds. Distancing still applies!

Sunday hymn singing in Swandene: please call Alison on 261131/07784 544981 if you plan to come.

Foodbank news: Donations can be given at the Shore Community Church on Wednesdays 9.30-1 pm. Needs: tinned fruit, fish and puddings. Not needed: pasta, rice and milk. They request help from a muscular person with a big car for hour or so once a week, to shift stock between their three sites.
Contact Mandy Riley, Bognor Regis Foodbank, 01243 866952, www.bognorregis.foodbank.org.uk.
Please continue to donate into the church crate


Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Stephen Cox-Rusbridge: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org,
07899 705632//07974 177905.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst: safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.
Pews News:
Alison Blenkinsop: pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 01243 261131, 07784 544981