Weekly Pews News
No 20-05
2 February 2020
Presentation of Christ in the temple
Collect for the day
Almighty and ever-living God, clothed in majesty, whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts, by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Today’s services
8 am Morning prayer Readings: Exodus 13: 1-16; Psalm 146; Romans 12: 1-5
9.45 am Parish Eucharist Readings: Hebrews 2: 14-18; Luke 2: 22-40 Hymns: 304, 574, 755, 438
4 pm Evening Prayer – Common Worship
After the Eucharist, all are welcome to gather for refreshments and socialise in St Andrew’s chapel at the back of church
The church is open every day for visitors and private prayer.
All welcome!
Sunday 2 February
Intention: our hospitals, doctors, nurses and midwives, home care assistants, pharmacists, therapists, opticians, dentists; all who provide health care.
Anniversary: William Burrow (1993); Albert Barker (2002)
Monday 3 February – Anskar, Missionary to Scandinavia, 865
Intention: the Pilgrim Course – leaders and participants. Those baptised and confirmed here during the year, their parents, godparents or sponsors, and our own godchildren.
Anniversary: Hubert Sheppard (1979)
Tuesday 4 February – Gilbert of Selpringham, Founder of the Gilbertine order, 1189
Intention: all imprisoned in any way, and those caught up in modern slavery; the prisoners, staff, chaplains and visitors at HMP Ford.
7pm Evening prayer with local Beaver Scouts
7 pm Ladies’ Club AGM at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane
Anniversary: Baby Lavinia Caraccioli (2007)
Wednesday 5 February
Intention: our children and young people, and their leaders; our Sunday School and Saints (older children).
10 am Holy Communion
Anniversary: Mary Pryde (1977)
Thursday 6 February – Accession of Queen Elizabeth II, 1952
Intention: our Archbishops, Justin Welby of Canterbury and John Sentamu of York; the work of the Archbishops’ Council and General Synod; the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Friday 7 February
Intention: our schools, colleges and universities; all teachers and learners, governors and administrators.
Anniversary: Ethel Funnell (1972)
Saturday 8 February – Cuthman, Hermit of Steyning, c.900
Intention: the hungry, homeless, refugees and asylum seekers; the work of Church Army, Christian Aid and all relief agencies; our local charities Stonepillow and Bognor Regis Foodbank.
We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Judi March, Lynette, Chloe Green, Rosie Sims, Nicola, Richard Rundle, Diane Wills, Terry Haskell, Jean Martin, Carole Turner, Maddy, Gemma Green, Naomi, Lila Cowee, Barbara Crew, David Holt, Brenda Dobson, Keith Smith, Tony Spurle, June Evans, Zoe, Bea & Laurie Tucker, Ann.
For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.
Those who have died recently: Lawrence Sercombe, Alan.
We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Beatrice Armstrong, Mary Baxter, Madge Breakspear, Lila Cowee.
We pray for God’s blessing on all who live in our parish: Beech Close, Bishops Close, Boleyn Drive.
Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Stephen Cox-Rusbridge: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org, 07899 705632//07974 177905.
Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.
Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst: safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.
Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop: pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.
Sunday 9th Third Sunday before Lent
8 am Holy Communion (Septuagesima) 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27; Matthew 20: 1-16
9.45 am Parish Eucharist with Bishop Martin Readings: Isaiah 58: 1-9a; Psalm 112: 1-9; 1 Corinthians 2: 1-12; Matthew 5: 13-20 Hymns: 367, 180, 684, 429
4 pm Evening Worship – Evening Prayer (BCP)
Confirmation: Revd Canon Colin Wood is to run a preparation course soon. Contact him (264192) or the Churchwardens if you are interested.
We welcome a group of Beaver Scouts, who are working towards their Faith badge, on Tuesday 4th from 6.15 pm. They will find out more about our church and Christian faith, and join in the evening service.
Lent groups are starting in early March across the Bognor Churches Together area. The focus is on Henri Nouwen’s book The Return of the Prodigal Son, which looks closely at Jesus’s parable in St Luke’s gospel, ch 15. See the notice board for more details, and please sign up by 9th.
Church roof: work continues with the rest of the tiling, and scaffolding has now been erected inside for repairs to the ceilings. Thank you for your continued donations to help us reach the target.
Palm crosses: please bring last year’s crosses and place in the basket at the back of church. They will be burnt in preparation for Ash Wednesday (26th).
Ladies’ Club AGM takes place on Tuesday 4th at 7.00 pm (NB change of time), at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane, with refreshments. All are welcome, and regular members are encouraged to make every effort to attend. Apologies to Barbara (264071).
Chichester Cathedral Flower Festival fund-raiser: pop-up restaurant at Carole and Rich Druce’s home on Saturday 8th at 7.30 pm. Tickets £25 per head. See sign-up sheet on the notice board for the venue and menu choices, or contact Carole on 07732 768890.
We were sorry to hear that Lawrence Sercombe, a long-term supporter and committee member of Pagham Luncheon Club, died on 23rd January after a very short illness. A thanksgiving service for his life will be held on Thursday 13th at 2 pm, at the place where he worshipped for many years: Grace Church, Terminus Road, Chichester PO19 8TX. We remember his widow Audrey and family in our prayers.
World Day of Prayer 2020 (formerly Women’s WDP): St Thomas à Becket’s is hosting the service (which features Zimbabwe) on Friday 6 March, and we need helpers for this. See the notice board for more details and to sign up, to support the Pagham team.
Keith Smith: our former vicar (Mark Eminson’s predecessor) and faithful visitor to our parish during the vacancy has recently had a heart condition diagnosed, and is awaiting cardiac surgery.
Let us keep Keith and his wife Eunice in our prayers.