Weekly Pews News
No 19-35
1 September 2019
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Collect for the day O God, you declare your almighty power most chiefly in showing mercy and pity: mercifully grant to us such a measure of your grace, that we, running the way of your commandments, may receive your gracious promises, and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Psalm response Light shines in the darkness for the upright.
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (G)
8 am Holy Communion Readings: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11; Luke 18: 9-14
9.45 am Parish Eucharist Readings: Ecclesiasticus 10: 12-18; Psalm 112; Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16; Luke 14: 1, 7-14 Hymns: 96, 304, 477, 631
4.30 pm Evening Prayer – Book of Common Prayer Readings: Isaiah 33: 13-22; John 3: 22-36
The church is open every day for visitors and private prayer.
All welcome
Sunday 1 September
Intention: our Parish Team – Clergy: Colin Wood, Bill Meyer; Reader: Roland Ell; Churchwardens: Mike Wake, Stephen Cox-Rusbridge.
Monday 2 September
Intention: our hospitals, doctors, nurses and midwives, home care assistants, pharmacists, therapists, opticians, dentists; all who provide health care.
Tuesday 3 September
Intention: all imprisoned in any way, and those caught up in modern slavery; the prisoners, staff, chaplains and visitors at HMP Ford.
7 pm Compline
7.45 pm Ladies’ Club at Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane with Revd Tony Oehring, Chaplain at Ford prison
Wednesday 4 September
Intention: the Pilgrim Course – leaders and participants. Those baptised and confirmed here during the year, their parents, godparents or sponsors, and our own godchildren.
10 am Holy Communion
NB No Knit & Natter
7.30 pm Institution and Induction of Revd Mark Eminson as Team Rector of Merton Priory Team
Thursday 5 September
Intention: our children and young people, and their leaders; our Sunday School and Saints (older children).
Friday 6 September
Intention: our Archbishops, Justin Welby of Canterbury and John Sentamu of York; the work of the Archbishops’ Council and General Synod; the worldwide Anglican Communion.
11 am Burial of ashes of Edith Campbell
Anniversary: Reginald Holyoak (1996)
Saturday 7 September
Intention: our schools, colleges and universities; all teachers and learners, governors and administrators.
We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Judi March, Lynette, Zoe, Eugene West, Chloe Green, Rosie Sims, Nicola, Simon Hill, Derek Pugh, Richard Rundle, Tilly & Ottilee, Brian Lewis, Arthur Guppy and family.
For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.
Those who have died: Trevor Cox, Norman Smith, Isobel Aldred, Audrey Guppy.
We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Beatrice Armstrong, Mary Baxter, Madge Breakspear, Lila Cowee, Brenda Dobson.
We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in our parish: Saxon Close, Sea Lane.
Year of Vocation Cycle of Prayer for Work: the unemployed and those living in poverty.
Year of Vocation Cycle of Prayer for Church Roles: Luncheon Club helpers, caterers, tea and coffee helpers, Foodbank coordinator, Charity representatives.
Churchwardens: Mike Wake or Stephen Cox-Rusbridge: churchwardens@paghamchurch.org, 262713.
Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.
Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst, safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.
Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.
(Deadline for notices: Thursday morning)
Sunday 8th Education Sunday (G)
8 am Holy Communion (12th Sunday after Trinity) Readings: 2 Corinthians 3. 4-10; Mark 7: 31–end
9.45 am Family Eucharist Readings: Philemon 1-21; Luke 14: 25-33 Hymns: 629, 88, 163, 503 Gloria 964
5 pm Evening Prayer – Celtic worship
Services this week: Evening Prayer today will be at the earlier time of 4.30 pm.
8 am Holy Communion on Sunday 8th: the Venerable Luke Irvine-Capel, Archdeacon of Chichester, will be presiding.
Church Roof update: we are still awaiting a report from the Structural Engineer and an indication of the increased costs to repair unexpected, serious faults in the stonework. However, work on removing the old coping stones from the gables will start on the 2nd September. As soon as we have an indication of the increased cost we will update you. We are still short of our funding target; if anyone is able to assist with a pledge or loan to help us reach it, please speak to the churchwardens.
Photographic record of the repairs: we would like to document the progress of repairs to the roof, to keep our donors and sponsors informed. If you have some spare time on weekdays (ie while the work is taking place), and a good quality camera, please contact Mike Wake for more information: 264254, mikewake@talktalk.net.
Ladies’ Club: our speaker on Tuesday 3rd is the Revd Tony Oehring, who will talk about his ministry as Chaplain of Ford Prison. All welcome.
Institution and Induction of Revd Mark Eminson as Team Rector of Merton Priory Team at Holy Trinity Church, The Broadway, Wimbledon, SW19 1SB on Wednesday 4th. The coach will leave the Church Centre at 4.45 pm, returning at approx. 11.30 pm. Last-minute requests for the couple of remaining seats to Mike Wake.
Chichester Cathedral Lunchtime Concerts begin on Tuesday 10th at 1.10 pm. A copy of the Autumn programme is displayed on the noticeboard in church and in the porch. Concerts are free, with a retiring collection. Coffee will be provided. If you wish, take your own sandwiches. More information from June Baker, Parish Cathedral Link.
Harvest Festival flowers: we will be decorating the church in readiness for Harvest Festival on Saturday 28th from 3.30 pm onwards (please note time as there is wedding on that day). Donations of produce and greenery would be much appreciated. Monetary donations towards the costs of the flowers in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an event would be welcome; please contact Trudi Kearsley 263597/07703 597353.
Harvest supper: if you can help organise an evening meal and celebration on Saturday 28th, please contact Stephen on 07974 177905.
Good News leaflets: we need deliverers for the following short rounds: Laurel Drive, Old Barn Close, Mill View Close (in Millfarm Estate); Brooks End (off Pagham Rd); Edwen Close (off Hook Lane); Boleyn Drive, Tabard Gate, Wolsey Close (off Nyetimber Lane r’about). Offers to Trudi or Mo.