Christmas Fair Poster Do please print off and put in your window, if you’d like to.

Saturday 16th November 10am – 1.00pm

The Annual Christmas Fair date is now approaching fast and it is time for us to start to collect together the items which we need to make this event a success. As in previous years we will have collecting boxes at the back of the Church for donations. We are seeking the following items:

  • Goods for the Hamper, Bottles and Tombola items

  • Toiletries/Christmas Decorations, Soft Toys

  • Fancy Goods/Unwanted gifts

  • Jigsaws, Toys and Books

We are also planning to run the filled Jam Jar stall again  –  as this is so popular with the children –  and would be grateful for contributions for this.  We will also be seeking cakes and produce, to be brought in on the day.  This is only a guide, indicating the type of articles we are looking for.

Please support this event with your donations, to help make this year’s Fair a happy and successful event.  If you would like donations collected from you  –  please let Trudi or Louise know.

Lists are on the notice board for volunteers to run the stalls.

Thank  you

Trudi Kearsley       263597
Louise Gibbs         266535