Sermon 31/05/20 Pentecost

Acts 2v1-21                                              Pentecost                                           31st May 2020 ‘Keep your eye on the ball’ my old cricket coach used to tell me. It’s all too easy for the cricketer to be distracted by a fielder moving around...

Sermon 24/05/20

 Acts 1:6-14; John 17:1-11                   The Seventh Sunday of Easter                   24 May 2020  At first sight I find this Sunday rather strange in the Christian Calendar. In reality we know that the Holy Spirit is now with us all the time in all his...

Sermon 17/05/20

John 14:15-31                 The Sixth Sunday of Easter                                         17 May 2020 Todays lectionary Gospel Reading, which follows on from last weeks reading is John 14v15-21, but I am asking you to read John 14v15-31. John’s Gospel, chapter...

Sermon 10/05/20

John 14v1-14                The Fifth Sunday of Easter                       10 May 2020   Being in the garden during the current ‘lockdown’, I pondered the well known poem The kiss of the sun for pardon the song of the birds for mirth, one is nearer to God’s heart in...

Sermon 03/05/20

John 10:1-10                                 The Fourth Sunday of Easter                     3 May 2020 Twice in this passage from John 10, Jesus says ‘I AM the gate for the sheep’ (v7) and ‘I AM the gate’ (v9) NRSV and GNB. (‘door’ in the AV) Seven times in John’s...

Sermon 26/04/20

SERMON Luke 24:13-35                            The Third Sunday of Easter                         26 April 2020                                                            The Walk to Emmaus Two forlorn followers of Jesus, Cleopas and one other, were walking from...