
Ladies Club – Tuesday 1st October at 7.45 pm. Susan Rutherford (Chamberlain Martin Solicitors) Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney Open Evening.

Quiz Night Saturday 12th October Tickets available from Michael £10 each to include fish and chip supper. Please see notice board. (263537)

Girl`s Pub Club will meet again on Friday 18th October, from 8pm at The Lamb. No need to sign up, just turn up! Elise.

Shoe Box Appeal – The leaflets are now available at the back of the church. Please fill a box if you can. Filled boxes to church by 3rd November please.

Next Men’s Group Saturday 5th October 8pm at the Lion

Our new parish book is `Blessings` by Mary Craig. As ever, information and sign-up sheets can be found on the Book Group notice board at the back of the church. Discussion groups will be taking place on Thursday 7th November at 10am and Monday 11th November at 8 pm. Elise.

SKITTLES EVENING Hosted by Friends of St. Thomas a`BecketChurch, at the Four Chesnuts Pub, Chichester. Friday 25th October, 6.30 for 7 pm start. Ticket price: £13 to include a lovely `Pub Grub` meal. (concessions for children) 50/50 raffle and guaranteed fun – no skill required. Sign up sheet in church or contact Carole/Rich on 07732768890/01243 821254

Harvest –Many thanks to all those who gave their time and talents to make the Church look so beautiful last weekend. Thanks also your contributions of harvest goods. We were able to make up 19 baskets of produce and 30 posies, which were distributed to the recently bereaved or housebound in the Parish, by a small but willing band of volunteers. In addition some produce was donated to St Josephs, together with Apple and Pear crumbles being delivered tomorrow using some of the fruit which was donated. Thank you all. Trudi Kearsley

Quiet Day at Crawley Down monastery on Saturday 30th November.

Only 20 spaces available. Sign up on the noticeboard

Musical evening worship: We all love a good sing! Do support one or both of these:

Sunday 13 October 6pm Harvest/Creation Songs of Praise (organ/piano)

Sunday 20 October 6pm Informal worship (guitar-led).

Our new website is now ready to view at To add content about your group/photos/descriptions of recent events, email (Elise)

Rev. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Phone 262713. email vicar

Pews News – Glenda can be contacted on 263537 or email glendabiggs

Registered Charity No 1134842

The Church of St Thomas a’Becket, Pagham

Weekly Pews News

No.643 29th September 2013

Colour of the season: Green

Colour of the day: White

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Michael and All Angels

Collect for the day:

Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted the ministries of angels and mortals in a wonderful order:

grant that as your holy angels always serve you in heaven, so, at your command, they may help and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

The Response to Psalm 103: 19-22: Bless the Lord, you angels of his.

Our Opportunities for Worship today

8.00 am Holy Communion

Readings: Revelation 12:7-12, Matthew 18: 1-10

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Genesis 28: 10-17, Psalm 103: 19-end, Revelation 12: 7-12, John 1: 47-end

Hymns: 314, 286, 102, (sheet) Onward Christian Soldiers

6.00 pm Evening Worship – Common Worship

Readings: Daniel 10: 4-end, Revelation 5

After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments

in St. Andrew`s chapel, where we can get to know each other better

Sunday 29th September Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Intention: Pray for our mission to our own parish; for the outreach of our parish newsletter; for all newcomers to Pagham and to our church family.

8.00 am Holy Communion

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

6.00 pm Evening Worship – Common Worship

Monday 30th September Jerome, Translator of the Scriptures, Teacher of the Faith 420

Intention: Pray for our neighbouring churches, and for the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District. Anniversaries: Shepherd Dawson King (1987)

10.30 am Coffee and scripture at Jenny Moore`s (263731)

Tuesday 1tst October Anthony Ashley Cooper (Earl of Shaftesbury), Social Reformer, 1885

Intention: Pray for Christian Unity; Pray for our Parish Team – Clergy: Mark Eminson, Colin Woodand Bill Meyer, Lay Reader Roland Ell; Churchwardens: Trudi Kearsleyand David Smith. Anniversaries: – Albert Cyril Piper (1992)

7.00 pm The Eucharist

7.45 pm Ladies Club at the Church Centre, Barbara (264081)

Wednesday 2nd October

Intention: Pray for our hospitals, doctors, district nurses, home care assistants, pharmacists, therapists, opticians, dentists; all who provide health care.

Anniversaries: – James Oliver Sage (1996)

10.00 am Holy Communion

12 noon Luncheon Club at St. Ninian`s Church Hall

Thursday 3rd October George Bell, Bishop of Chichester, Ecumenist, Peacemaker, 1958

Intention: Pray for those baptised and confirmed here during the year, for their parents, godparents or sponsors. For our own godchildren.

Anniversaries: – Charles James Major (1990)

8.00 pm Chichester Voices Rehearsal

Friday 4th October Francis of Assisi, Friar, Deacon, Founder of the Friars Minor, 1226

Intention: Pray for all imprisoned in any way; and for the prisoners, staff, chaplains and visitors at HMP Ford. Anniversary: – Daisy Gladys Major (1995)

7.30pmCursillo Group Reunion Di Willson (268712)

Saturday 5th October

Intention: Pray for our children and young people, and their leaders; for our Children’s Groups, Wednesday Club and Youth Group.

8.00 pm Men`s Group at the Lion

Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer

Morning prayer: Monday to Thursday and Saturday 9.20 am. Friday 8.30 am

Evening Prayer: Monday to Thursday 5.20 pm. Friday 4.30 pm

No evening prayer on Saturday

Sunday School: We now have our main Sunday School then an older group of Year 5 upwards. Teenagers from about 14-15 will be encouraged to worship with everyone else unless they wish to assist in leading the older group, which comes in at The Peace.

Prayers and Intentions

Prayer for the Sick

For urgent prayer

contact Angela Halfacree to activate the Prayer Chain (tel. 864353)

For longer-term prayer needs contact Gillian Purvis (tel. 267597)

We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: Frank Lawton, Elizabeth Pett, Geoff, Gillian Purvis, Peter Downey, Norma Tuckett, Joe Buchell

We pray for those who have died recently, Kitty Trotter,and for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.

We pray for Joseph Clews being, baptised today.

Parish Pastoral Care Course: There will be a course next January to equip a team of `parish visitors`. Start thinking and praying about whether this might be where God is calling you and if interested, see Mark. Examples of visiting would be the bereaved, baptism families, the sick and housebound.

Communion before Confirmation Sessions: Preparation course to start Tuesday 8th October at 4 pm and Saturday 12th October at 10 am. in St. Andrew`s Chapel. If you cannot do either of these then speak to Mar.

Changes to Worship: We are continuing for the next weeks with our trial period of small changes to Sunday 9.45 am worship. Any feedback please directly to Mark.

Pet Blessing Sunday 6 October 4 pm – All are welcome to bring their pets and animals for a service of thanksgiving and blessing for these creatures of God with whom we share our lives.

St Joseph`s Harvest – Heartfelt thanks for the bootful of food from our harvest festival.

Bishop Luffa: Parents with Year 6 children applying to Bishop Luffa need to make an appointment with Mark to fill out the Church Support Form.

Next Sunday Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (G)

8.00 am Holy Communion

Readings: Ephesians 4: 17-32, Matthew 9: 1-8

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Habbakkuk 1: 1-4; 2: 1-4,

2 Timothy 1: 1-14, Luke 17: 5-10

Psalm: 37: 1-9

Hymns: 629, 161, 171, 474

12noon Baptisms of Ethan & Dexter Anderson & Indi Slingo

4.00pm * (NB) Pet Blessing (no 6pm service)