Weekly Pews News

no 20-52


The Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist

Sunday 27th December

08:00  Holy Communion: Exodus 33: 7-11a; John 21: 19b–end

09:30  Parish Eucharist: Exodus 33: 7-11a; Psalm 117; 1 John 1; John 21: 19b–end


Merciful Lord, cast your bright beams of light upon the Church: that, being enlightened by the teaching of your blessed apostle and evangelist Saint John, we may so walk in the light of your truth that we may at last attain to the light of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ your incarnate Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Thank you! Many thanks indeed to all who have contributed so generously of their time, talents and other resources to make our celebration of Advent and Christmas so meaningful and holy, in this most difficult of years. To celebrate a major feast in a hybrid fashion, combining in-person and online worship, has been a new experience for us all, and so I particularly thank you all for the way in which you have embraced this. In doing so, we have been able to make sure that nearly everyone has been able to participate in some way – which I know has been much appreciated by those keeping safe at home.

The church has been looking beautiful, thanks to flower arrangers, Crib builders and Christmas Tree decorators, and there has been a lot of very positive feedback about the welcome that visitors from the local community have received, either at services or when they have visited, looking for a few moments of peace. It has been the ultimate privilege to walk my first Christmas with you all in this year. Many thanks too for the cards, gifts and good wishes that I have received.

I wish you all a blessed, happy and safe New Year. Mthr Lucy

Sunday 27th December

Intention: all who work for peace and justice; the maintenance of good relationships with the United Nations and all other countries.

Monday 28th December – The Holy Innocents

Intention: vocations to the ordained ministry, especially in our own parish; theological colleges and ordinands in training; our own Parish ordinand Gemma Fleury; vocations to the religious life.

Anniversary: Nicholas Carr (1963); Terry Wice (1997); Yvonne Clark (1999)

Tuesday 29th December – St Thomas à Becket, archbishop, martyr, 1170

Intention: our mission to our own parish; the outreach of our parish newsletter; all newcomers to Pagham, and to our Church family.

10:00              The Eucharist for our Church patronal festival

Wednesday 30th December

Intention: our neighbouring Churches, and the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District.

Anniversary: Stella Tribe (2007)

Thursday 31st December

Intention: our family and friends.

10:00              Holy Communion

Anniversary: John Monkton (2000)

Friday 1st January – Naming and Circumcision of Jesus

Intention: our Parish Team – Clergy: Lucy Sullivan, Colin Wood, Bill Meyer; Reader: Roland Ell; Churchwardens: Mike Wake, Stephen Cox-Rusbridge.

Anniversary: Florence Austin (1977)

Saturday 2nd January – Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus, bishops, 379 & 389

Intention: our hospitals, doctors, nurses and midwives, home care assistants, pharmacists, therapists, opticians, dentists; all who provide health care.

Anniversary: Elsie Barker (2008)

Sunday 3rd January – Epiphany

08:00 Holy Communion  09:30 Parish Eucharist with the blessing of chalks

Readings: Isaiah 60: 1–6; Psalm 72: 10–15; Ephesians 3: 1–12; Matthew 2: 1–12


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Lynette, Rosie Sims, Terry Haskell, Barbara Crew, Jean Martin, Lila Cowee, June Evans, Karen Cox, Jim Fowler, Sheila King, Robin Potter, Gerald Hume, Carole & Ian Turner.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to start the Prayer Chain.

The recently departed: Maureen Yates, Joyce Reid, Victor Hatzfeld.

We remember Church family who live in residential care or usually receive communion at home: Bett Steenerson, Jane Upton.

We pray for all affected directly by Covid-19; for all staff of our schools and colleges, as they plan for the spring term.


Festival of Lessons and Carols: a carol service combining readers from St Thomas à Becket’s and St Richard’s Aldwick is available on line. The link for this can be found on the ‘online services’ page of our website. Why not enjoy this traditional service of carols and readings on one of the 12 days of Christmas? The carols include words on the screen, so I hope you’ll have a good sing along!

The Bognor Blessing: 15 churches around Bognor Regis have put together a special Christmas message for the local community. The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/GuE9EcNmKBI, and you are encouraged to share it far and wide. You might even spot some familiar faces!

Sunday worship at St Thomas à Becket’s: please continue to book in with Trudi, and give notice the evening before. This helps us to welcome everybody in, and keep the Track & Trace register.  trudikearsley@hotmail.co.uk (tel: 263597)

Online services: there will still be a form of weekly service, available a little later on Sunday mornings, ~11:00. Its format will change each week: either a celebration of the Eucharist, or a Service of the Word. All will include some music and prayers. See the Weekly Communication email for details.

Morning & Evening Prayer: we will return to our usual weekly pattern after Wednesday 6th January.

Church remains open for private prayer: thanks to a team of volunteer cleaners we are able to keep the church open daily ~09:00–16:00 for private prayer. When visiting please be sure to wear a face mask, use the anti–bac. hand gel provided, and check in using the NHS Track and Trace code, if you are able.

Friends of Pagham Parish Church Annual Quiz: get your entry in by Thursday 31st! The draw for the £100 prize will be made on Sunday 3rd January.

If you missed the email to which the quiz was attached, Trudi can send it again (see contact above). Completed quizzes can be returned by email to Mo: hatzfeld@btinternet.com, or brought to church. Entries cost £1, which can also be brought to church.

Thank you for donations of around £145, collected in Children’s Society boxes through the year. Barbara Crew has faithfully cared for our Church donations for many years, but now needs to hand this responsibility to others. If you are able to take it on, please respond to the Pews News editor as below.

CONTACT DETAILS        –        find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @StThomasPagham.

The Revd Lucy Sullivan: 19 Willowhale Avenue, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 4AU.
mthrlucy.pagham@gmail.com, 01243 941551. Rest day Friday.

Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Stephen Cox-Rusbridge: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org,
07899 705632//07974 177905.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org.

Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst, safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131, 07784 544981.

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