Weekly Pews News

No 20-04

26 January 2020

Third Sunday of Epiphany

Collect for the day

Almighty God, whose Son revealed in signs and miracles the wonder of your saving presence: renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your mighty power; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Today’s services

8 am Holy Communion Readings: Romans 12: 16–end; Matthew 8: 1-13

9.45 am Parish Eucharist with baptism of Harriet Williams President: Archdeacon Luke Readings: 1 Corinthians 1: 10-18; Matthew 4: 12-23 Hymns: 70, 797, 752, Sheet

4 pm Evening Worship – Evening prayer

After the Eucharist, all are welcome to gather for refreshments and socialise in St Andrew’s chapel at the back of church

The church is open every day for visitors and private prayer.

All welcome!

Sunday 26 January

Intention: the elderly, lonely and bereaved; all living in residential care, and those who care for them.

Monday 27 January

Intention: all who work for peace and justice, and for the European Union and the United Nations.

Anniversary: Winifred Turner (1984); Isobelle Summerside (1989); Phyllis Perkins (1995); Marjorie Phillips (2013)

Tuesday 28 January – Thomas Aquinas, Teacher of Faith, 1274

Intention: vocations to the ordained ministry, especially in our own parish; theological colleges and ordinands in training; our own Parish ordinand Gemma Green; vocations to the religious life.

7pm Evening prayer

Anniversary: Eileen Tooze (1992); Leonard Cowee (2001)

Wednesday 29 January

Intention: our mission to our own parish; the outreach of our parish newsletter; all newcomers to Pagham, and to our Church family.

10 am Holy Communion 12 noon Luncheon Club at St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt, 268818) 7.30 pm Julian Group at 11 Church Way (Julia Webb, 266866)

Anniversary: Frank Ashton-Gwatkin (1976); Daniel Humphries (1997); Bill Clark (2015); Sylvia Pepper (2015)

Thursday 30 January – Charles Stuart, King and Martyr, 1649

Intention: our neighbouring Churches, and the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District.

Anniversary: Eric Atkins (2015)

Friday 31 January – John Bosco, Founder of Salesian order, 1888

Intention: our family and friends.

Anniversary: Bernadette Harrison (1979)

Saturday 1 February

Intention: our Parish Team – Clergy: Colin Wood, Bill Meyer; Reader: Roland Ell; Churchwardens: Mike Wake, Stephen Cox-Rusbridge.


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Judi March, Lynette, Chloe Green, Rosie Sims, Nicola, Richard Rundle, Diane Wills, Terry Haskell, Jean Martin, Carole Turner, Maddy, Gemma Green, Naomi, Lila Cowee, Barbara Crew, David Holt, Brenda Dobson, Keith Smith*, Tony Spurle, June Evans. For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died recently: Jean Robinson-Morgan.

We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Edna Swinnerton-Beet, Jane Upton, Maureen Yates.

We pray for God’s blessing on all who live in our parish: Bay Court, Beach Close, Beach Road.

We pray for Harriet Williams who is being baptised today, and for her parents and godparents.

*From Keith Smith, a former vicar of Pagham Church:

“I had an angiogram last Monday with a tentative response that my situation was urgent. … I anticipate that surgery will take place next month, after which I will need some weeks to recuperate. … I’m disappointed not to be able to help as I had hoped, although once the surgery is over I should be back to ‘normal’. In the meantime you and the parish are very much in my prayers. Prayer is a very special thing we can do for one another, not just in extremis (which I hope is not where I am!) but as a general gift when we need a spiritual boost. In any case, Pagham is always close to my heart.”


Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Stephen Cox-Rusbridge: churchwarden@paghamchurch.org, 07899 705632//07974 177905.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Safeguarding Officer: Jan Brockhurst: safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop: pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.

Sunday 2nd February Presentation of Christ in the temple

8 am Morning prayer Readings: Exodus 13: 1-16; Psalm 146; Romans 12: 1-5

9.45 am Parish Eucharist (Candlemas) Readings: Hebrews 2: 14-18; Luke 2: 22-40 Hymns: 304, 574, 755, 438

4 pm Evening Prayer – Common Worship


We welcome Archdeacon Luke to our Parish Eucharist today.

Confirmation: Revd Canon Colin Wood is to run a preparation course soon. Contact him (264192) or the Churchwardens if you are interested.

Lent groups are starting in early March across the Bognor Churches Together area. The focus is on Henri Nouwen’s book The Return of the Prodigal Son, which looks closely at Jesus’s parable in St Luke’s gospel, ch 15. See the notice board for more details, and to sign up.

Church roof: the work continues with the rest of the tiling. Thank you for your continued donations to help us reach the target.

Burns Night this year raised £465; a good time was had by all. Many thanks to the Men’s Group for organising it, and to all who took part.

Church heating: we are having some problems with the heating system at the moment, so please come prepared and dress warmly!

Church flowers this week are given in memory of Cynthia Brown, long-term member of our church choir.

Julian group: our next meeting for contemplative prayer is on Wednesday 29th (see diary inside). Julian meetings are inspired by Dame Julian of Norwich, author of the 14th C book Revelations of Divine Love. Their purpose is to foster the teaching and practice of silence and contemplative prayer in our daily lives.

Ladies’ Club AGM on Tuesday 4 February at 7.45 pm, at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane, with refreshments. All are welcome, and regular members are encouraged to make every effort to attend. Apologies to Barbara (264071).

Friends of Pagham Church invite you to a ‘Winter Warmer’ – an evening of good food and fellowship, on Saturday 15 February, 6.30 for 7 pm in St Andrew’s Chapel. £15 per head (£13 for members). Add your name to the sign-up sheet on the notice board.

Chichester Cathedral Flower Festival fund-raiser: pop-up restaurant at Carole and Rich Druce’s home on Saturday 8 February at 7.30 pm. Tickets £25 per head. HURRY TO BOOK, AS PLACES ARE GOING FAST! See sign-up sheet on the notice board for the venue and menu choices. Contact Carole on 07732 768890 for further details.

News of Keith Smith: our former vicar (Mark Eminson’s predecessor) and faithful visitor to our parish during the vacancy has recently had a heart condition diagnosed. See inside under Prayers and Intentions for more information, and his prayers for us.

Let us keep Keith and his wife Eunice in our prayers.