Weekly Pews News
No. 8355 Colour of the season: G |
Date: 25th June 2017
Second Sunday after Trinity
Collect for the day:
Lord, you have taught us that all our doings without love are nothing worth: send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love, the true bond of peace and of all virtues, without which whoever lives is counted dead before you. Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Response to Psalm: You, O Lord, are gracious and full of compassion.
Our Opportunities for Worship today
Second Sunday after Trinity (G) | |
8.00am | Holy Communion
Readings: 1 John 3: 13-end, Luke 14: 16-24 |
9.45am | Parish Eucharist
Genesis 21: 8-21, Psalm 86: 1-10, 16-end, Romans 6: 1b-11, Matthew 10: 24-39 Hymns: 626, 161, 34, 817 Communion: See hymn board |
12noon | Baptism of Reggie Hardy |
5.00pm | Evening Worship – Taizé |
After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments in St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better
Sunday 25th June
Intention: Pray for our Diocese of Chichester, our Bishops, Martin, Mark and Richard; the archdeacons, clergy and people; for the work of Diocesan Synod and Church House; for the witness of Chichester Cathedral.
Monday 26th June – Cyril of Alexandria
Intention: Pray for the elderly, lonely and bereaved; for all those in residential care and those who care for them.
Anniversary: Lilian Goring (1991), June Clement (2004)
2.00pm Funeral of Neil Dalton – followed by a reception at the Village Hall, to which all are welcome.
Tuesday 27th June
Intention: Pray for Peace; or the European Union and The United Nations Organisation.
Anniversary: Joyce Eddy (1980), Archer Hart (1992), Phyllis Smith (1996)
7.00pm The Eucharist
Wednesday 28th June – Irenaeus
Intention: Pray for vocations to the ordained ministry, especially any within our own parish; for the theological colleges and for all ordinands in training and for vocations to the religious life.
Anniversary: Dorothy Randall (1984)
10.00am Holy Communion
1.30pm Wednesday Tots at the Church Centre (opp Pagham FC)
2-4pm Knit and Natter at Chris’
Thursday 29th June – Peter and Paul
Intention: Pray for our mission to our own parish; for the outreach of our parish newsletter; for all newcomers to Pagham and to our church family.
11am Burial of ashes of Rob McLaughlin
Friday 30th June – Ember Day
Intention: Pray for our neighbouring churches, and for the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District.
Anniversary: James Jones (1995), John Plummer (1998)
10.30am Funeral of Tony Lock
Saturday 1st July – Ember Day
Intention: Pray for our Parish Team – Clergy: Mark Eminson, Jo King, Colin Wood, Bill Meyer and Trevor Marshall. Reader Roland Ell; Churchwardens: Mike Wake and Stephen Cox Rusbridge.
Anniversary: Coralie Watson (1958)
9.20 am Coffee and Scripture
We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: David Atkins, Elizabeth Dove, Sue Smith, Judi March, Dennis, Raymond, Avis, Audrey Bridge, Bob Riding, Al, Shelagh, Reg Smith, Hazel and Michael, Sue, Donna, Ken, Ben, Mavis, Pat, Doreen, Colin, Bill, Chris, Joyce, Michael, Jack, Mary, Joe, .
For urgent prayer please contact Gillian Purvis (Tel: 267597) or Colin Wood (Tel: 264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.
We pray for those who have died: Tony Lock, Robert Fielder, Neil Dalton, Sue Downey, Keith Beard, Geoffrey Rowell, Jean Peace, Margaret Salter, Mike Barrett.
We remember in our prayers church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home. This week we pray for: Pam Ryan, John and Velda Scully, Daphne Sharrad, Edna Swinnerton-Beet, Barbara Waldron, Daphne Woolnough, Maureen Yates.
We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in Lion Road, Lodsworth Road, Lower Bognor Road.
We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.
We pray for Reggie Hardy and his family and godparents on this day of his baptism.
We pray for Grass Roots whose work we support financially as a parish.
Church Website update: To add content to the website email editor@paghamchurch.org
Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email: vicar@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday)
Revd. Jo King can be contacted on curate@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday) or 01243 930247.
Next Sunday | Patronal (Dedication) Festival (W) |
8.00am | Holy Communion
Readings: 1 Kings 8: 22-30, Matthew 21: 12-16 |
9.45am | Family Eucharist
1 Kings 8: 22-30, Matthew 21: 12-16 Hymns: 676, 775, sheet, 819 Communion: See hymn board |
5.00pm | Evening Worship – Book of Common Prayer
Jeremiah 7: 1-11, 1 Corinthians 3: 9-17 |
New notice: PCC members – there is a questionnaire for you all in the vestry to take before the next meeting.
Thank you: to all who supported Christian Aid during Lent and Christian Aid Week, the total collected is as follows:
Christian Aid Soup Lunch £188.00
Count your Blessings during Lent £235.00
Christian Aid Week Envelopes £150.80
Total £573.80 – Gift aid amounts to £80.00 making a total of £653.80
Neil Dalton: Neil’s funeral service will take place in church on Monday 26th June at 2.00pm. Do come if you can and we can keep Jeanne and family in our prayers.
Patronal Festival and Hog Roast: our annual celebration is on Sunday 2nd July. Do come and feast at the Vicarage from 12noon. Bring your own drinks and charge is £5 for adults and £3 for children.
Presentation from Sussex Police on Scams and Rogue Traders: a PCSO from Sussex Police is giving a talk on this important concern here in church on Monday 10th July at 3pm. All are welcome and do pass on the word to any neighbours who may be interested.
Sea Sunday: we are keeping this on 9th July at our 9.45am Parish Eucharist, including taking a collection for the Mission to Seafarers. Do spread the word to any nautically-minded neighbours!
Summer Fair: 12 noon – 3pm, 15th July – Village Hall. We would be grateful for donations for the stalls:- Tombola, Bottles, Jewellery, Jigsaws, Toys, Games, Clean Paperback Books, Toiletries, Raffle Prizes, un-wanted gifts, \Fancy Goods and Bric-a-brac (no electrical items please – we cannot sell them) and of course nearer the day we will be seeking Cakes/sweets. Boxes for your donations will be found at the rear of the church or you can speak to me and I will arrange collection. Sign-up sheet is on the noticeboard – please add your name if you can assist with running a stall. We will need gazebos on the day – please sign on the list on the noticeboard if you have one to lend. Please collect the envelope with your name on it from the rear of the church. Thank you – Trudi Kearsley 263597.
Church cleaning: once more some of our weekly teams are getting overstretched, so if there is any way you could join the cleaning rota (if possible on a monthly basis) do please speak to Dave Smith in church or contact Sue Miller at sue.armex@btinternet.com. Our thanks go to Sue for heading up the team and all the cleaners for their excellent work.
Parish Book Group: Group: Our current book is ‘The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief’ by Francis Collins. Join a discussion group on Monday 17th July at 8pm, or Thursday 20th July at 10am. See the Book Group notice board for further information and sign-up sheets.