Weekly Pews News
No 18-25

24th June 2018

Birth of John the Baptist              

Collect for the day Almighty God, by whose providence your servant John the Baptist was wonderfully born, and sent to prepare the way of your Son our Saviour by the preaching of repentance: lead us to repent according to his preaching and, after his example, constantly to speak the truth, boldly to rebuke vice, and patiently to suffer for the truth’s sake; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.   Amen.

Psalm response The Lord will indeed grant prosperity, and our land will yield its increase.

Post communion prayer for the Year of Prayer

Go before us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favour, and further us with your continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy Name, and finally by your mercy obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

                           Birth of John the Baptist                   (W)
8 am Holy Communion

Readings: Isaiah 40: 1-11; Luke 1: 57–end

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Isaiah 40: 1-11; Psalm 85: 7–end;
Galatians 3: 23-29; Luke 1: 57-66, 80    

Hymns: 100, 319, 295, sheet

12 noon Baptism of Brodi Slingo
5 pm Evening Worship – Common Worship

Readings: Jeremiah 6: 16-21, Romans 9: 1-13

After the Eucharist, all are welcome to gather for refreshments and socialise in St Andrew’s chapel at the back of church

Sunday 24th June

Intention: the Church’s worldwide mission; all the missionary societies and the Bible Society.

Monday 25th June

Intention: our Diocese of Chichester, our Bishops, Martin, Mark and Richard; the archdeacons, clergy and people; the work of Diocesan Synod and Church House; the witness of Chichester Cathedral.

Tuesday 26th June

Intention: the elderly, lonely and bereaved; all those in residential care and those who care for them.

7 pm               The Eucharist

Anniversary: Lilian Goring (1991); June Clement (2004)

Wednesday 27th June – Ember Day

Intention: Peace, and the European Union and the United Nations.

10 am             Holy Communion

1.30 pm      Wednesday Tots at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane
2-4 pm        Knit & Natter at Joan’s, 3 Church Way (265083)

Anniversary: Joyce Eddy (1980); Archer Hart (1992); Phyllis Smith (1996)

Thursday 28st June – Irenaeus

Intention: vocations to the ordained ministry, especially any within our own parish; theological colleges and all ordinands in training, and vocations to the religious life.

Anniversary: Dorothy Randall (1984)

Friday 29nd June – Peter & Paul

Intention: our mission to our own parish; the outreach of our parish newsletter; all newcomers to Pagham, and to our church family.

Saturday 30th June – Ember Day

Intention: our neighbouring churches, and the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District.

Anniversary: James Jones (1995); John Plummer (1998)




Morning Prayer is at 9.20 am Monday–Thursday and Saturday,
and 8.30 am Friday.


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Judi March, Sue Smith, Bill Mitchell, Lynette, Zoe, Gemma, Joan Hardie, Guy, Sam, Peter and Carole Easterbrook, Helene, Emma Page, Bill, Joyce, Archdeacon Douglas.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died recently: Roy March, Arthur, Avril Railton.

We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time, and all who mourn their passing.

We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: John and Velda Scully, Daphne Sharrad, Edna Swinnerton-Beet, Daphne Woolnough, Maureen Yates.

We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in our parish: Lion Road, Lodsworth Road, Lower Bognor Road.

We pray for Brodi Slingo and his parents and godparents on this day of his baptism.
We pray for the soul of George James Hale, son of Pagham, killed in the First World War on 24 June 1918.

We pray for Grass Roots in Tanzania, whose work we support financially as a parish.


Revd. Mark Eminson: The Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ.

vicar@paghamchurch.org, 262713. (Day off Friday)

Revd. Jo King: curate@paghamchurch.org, 930247. (Day off Friday)

Church website update: Email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.

Next Sunday            Fifth Sunday after Trinity          (G)                  
8 am Holy Communion

Readings: 1 Peter 3: 8-15, Luke 5: 1-11

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

Readings: 2 Samuel 1: 1, 17–end; Psalm 130;
2 Corinthians 8: 7–end; Mark 5: 21–end
Hymns: 552, 315, 712, 29

12 noon Baptism of Lacey Beardall
5 pm Evening Worship – Informal


Songs of Praise today on BBC 2 at 1.55 pm comes from Launde Abbey.

Cream Tea: Saturday 30th, 3–5 pm, with Glenwood Ladies’ Choir – £5.00. Tickets and details from Mo Hatzfeld (268576). A sign-up sheet is on the noticeboard for those able to assist.

Ladies’ Club next meets on Tuesday 3rd July at 7.45 pm at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane. The speaker will be PCSO Mooney of Chichester & Arun Prevention Team – subject ‘Scams & Fraud’. All Welcome.

Wednesday Tots Farewell Party on 4th July, 3-5 pm at the Church Centre. Calling all retired helpers, children, parents and anyone who has ever been involved: please join us for a grand closing knees-up and toy sale.

Patronal Festival and Hog Roast: our annual celebration is on Sunday 8th July. Do come and feast at the Vicarage from 12 noon; please bring your own drinks. Sign the sheet on the noticeboard; £5 for adults, £3 for children.

Summer Fair: Sat 14th July, 12–3 pm at the Village Hall. We would be grateful for donations for the stalls: Tombola, Bottles, Jewellery, Jigsaws, Toys, Games, Clean Paperback Books, Toiletries, Raffle Prizes, unwanted gifts, Fancy Goods and Bric-a-brac (NB we can’t sell electrical items). Nearer the day we will need cakes/sweets. Please leave donations in boxes at the back of the church, or contact Trudi for collection (263597). Add your name to the sheet on the noticeboard if you can help run a stall, or lend gazebos. Please also collect your named envelope from the back of church.

Sea Sunday this year is being kept on 15th July at our 9.45 am Parish Eucharist, when we will also have a thanksgiving and presentation for Jo and the Kings, as they prepare to move to North Bersted later on in the year.

Sunday 15th July – Farewell to the Kings tea party, 3-5 pm at the Church Centre. Please join us for our farewell tea, it may not be quite last you will see of us all, but we would love to reminisce about our time in Pagham with you all over a cup of tea and piece of cake.

Parish Visit to St Albans is on Saturday 21st July. See the noticeboard in the South Aisle, and sign up before Sunday 1st July.

Nyewood Infants and Juniors are looking for new School Governors. If you might be interested or know someone with an interest in education and skills for a governing body do please speak to Mark.

Parish Book Group: our current book is ‘The Hiding Place’ by Corrie ten Boom. Join a discussion group on Monday 2nd July at 10 am or Thursday 5th July at 8 pm. See the Book Group notice board for more details.

Ignatian prayer: throughout July, the Jesuits invite us to deepen our relationship with God through different styles of prayer. Sign up for daily emails at www.pathwaystogod.org/31-days-st-ignatius

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