21 April 2019

Easter Day

Collect for Easter Day

Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might, now and in all eternity.                         Amen.

5 am Easter Vigil and Dawn Eucharist               (W)

followed by champagne breakfast

8 am Holy Communion

Readings: Colossians 3: 1-7; John 20: 1-10

9.45 am Family Eucharist

Readings: Acts 10: 34-43; John 20: 1-18

Hymns: 348, 450, 305, 672

5 pm Evening Prayer – Celtic



21 April – Easter Day

Intention: the sick in body, mind or spirit; those who are addicted, disabled or incurable; the work of St Wilfrid’s Hospice.

22 April – Monday of Easter Week

Intention: our Deanery of Arundel & Bognor, our parishes, clergy and people; our Rural Dean Mark Standen, and the work of Deanery Synod.

Anniversary: Christopher Goring (1989)

23 April – Tuesday of Easter Week

Intention: all those who do difficult work on our behalf, especially in the armed services and the emergency services.

4 pm                Baptism rehearsal

7 pm               The Eucharist

7.30 pm          Confirmation preparation in St Andrew’s Chapel

24 April – Wednesday of Easter Week

Intention: the Church’s worldwide mission; all missionary societies & Bible Society.

10 am                         Holy Communion

12 noon          Luncheon Club at St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt, 268818)

2-4 pm                        Knit & Natter at Joan’s, 3 Church Way (265083)

7.30 pm          Julian Group at Sue’s, 1 Church Way (262915)

7.30 pm          Stations of the Resurrection

25 April – Thursday of Easter Week

Intention: our Diocese of Chichester, our Bishops, Martin, Mark and Richard; the archdeacons, clergy and people; the work of Diocesan Synod and Church House; the witness of Chichester Cathedral.

7.30 pm          Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Anniversary: John Lewis (1996); Hilda Boddy (2000); Alan Dudley (2007)

26 April – Friday of Easter Week

Intention: the elderly, lonely and bereaved; all those in residential care and those who care for them.

27 April –Saturday of Easter Week

Intention: Peace, and the European Union and the United Nations.

Anniversary: Pamela Clift (2000)

Sunday 28 April – Second Sunday of Easter

Intention: vocations to the ordained ministry, especially any within our own parish; theological colleges and ordinands in training, our parish ordinand Gemma Green, and vocations to the religious life.               Anniversary: Ronald Reed (1985)

Collect for Second Sunday of Easter

Almighty Father, you have given your only Son to die for our sins and to rise again for our justification: grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness that we may always serve you in pureness of living and truth; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.   Amen.

Psalm response – Praise God in his holy temple.

                        Sunday 28 April – Second Sunday of Easter (W)

8 am       Holy Communion (Easter 1)
1 John 5: 4-12; John 20: 19-23
9.45 am Parish Eucharist
               Readings: Acts 5: 27-32; Psalm 150; Revelation 1: 4-8;
John 20: 19–end                 

Hymns: 433, 475, 405, 680
12 noon Baptisms of Lucas and Jacob Clarke

5 pm        Evening worship – Nones

                       Monday 29 April – George

Intention: our mission to our own parish; the outreach of our parish newsletter; all newcomers to Pagham, and to our church family.

7 pm               The Eucharist          

Anniversary: Ernie Webb (2003); Derek Willson (2006)

Tuesday 30 April – Mark

Intention: our neighbouring churches, and the work of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District.
7 pm               The Eucharist

Wednesday 1 May – Philip and James

Intention: our Parish Team – Clergy: Mark Eminson, Colin Wood, Bill Meyer; Reader: Roland Ell; Churchwardens: Mike Wake, Stephen Cox-Rusbridge.

10 am                         Holy Communion

2-4 pm                        Knit & Natter at Sue’s, 1 Church Way (262915)

Anniversary: Gordon Eddy (2001)

Thursday 2 May – Athanasius

Intention: our hospitals, doctors, nurses and midwives, home care assistants, pharmacists, therapists, opticians, dentists; all who provide health care.

Anniversary: Norma Tuckett (2015)

Friday 3 May

Intention: the Pilgrim Course – leaders and participants. Those baptised and confirmed here during the year, their parents, godparents or sponsors, and our own godchildren.

Anniversary: George Harrington (1976); George Jones (2015)

Saturday 4 MayEnglish saints and martyrs of the Reformation Era

Intention: all imprisoned in any way; and the prisoners, staff, chaplains and visitors at HMP Ford.

Anniversary: Robert McLaughlin (2017)


 Sunday 5 May – Third Sunday of Easter (W)

8 am     Holy Communion (Easter 2): 1 Peter 2: 19-end; John 10: 11-16

9.45 am Parish Eucharist: Acts 9: 1-6; Psalm 30; Revelation 5: 11-end;
John 21: 1-19

Hymns: 667, 311, 354, 352

5 pm  Evening Prayer – Common Worship: Isaiah 38: 9-20; John 11: 27-44



We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Sue Smith, Judi March, Lynette, Zoe, Eugene West, Ann, Sheila King, Simon Hill, Nicola, Chloe Green, Ian Turner, Mike Cole, Nicky, Roderick Plastow, Derek Pugh, Eileen Knight, Cassie and Evan, Alistair, Stephen Shellswell and family, Helen, Jim Druce, Joy.     For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died recently: Roni Harding.

We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time, and all who mourn their passing.

We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Catherine Morrish, Pam Peach, Elizabeth Pett, Mary Ramsay, John Scully, Daphne Sharrad, Raymond Stobart, Edna Swinnerton-Beet, Maureen Yates.

We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in our parish: Greenways, Hadlands, Harbour Road, Harbour View Road, Heron Mead.

Year of Vocation Cycle of Prayer for Work: communities that have lost traditional industries, and for their regeneration.

Year of Vocation Cycle of Prayer for Church Roles: our organist and director of music, choir, servers, readers and intercessors, lay ministers of communion.

We pray for Lucas and Jacob Clarke on their baptism on 28 April and for their parents and godparents.



Easter thanks: thank you to all who worked so hard and with such love to assist in all our services and events, and prepare the church so beautifully for the great Easter feast!

Easter communion: if you know of anyone who didn’t make it to church, do speak to Mark to arrange a home communion.

Christian Aid: Count your blessings – please hand your donations to Sue, Trudi or Gillian after Easter. If you prefer to send them direct, please let us know the amount so that we can include it in our totals for Christian Aid.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting takes place on Thursday 25th. If you didn’t get your electoral roll form back in time, you can join after the APCM.

Art Exhibition (Raise the Roof Appeal): Sat 4–Mon 6 May. Please sign up on the noticeboard if you can assist with catering or stewarding. Donated cakes would be very gratefully received. Application forms to enter exhibits can be found at the back of church. For information speak to Trudi (263597).

Women’s Breakfast (a ‘Cherished’ event) at Opengate Baptist Church, Bognor Regis, on Sat 11 May at 8.30 am. More info on flyers and posters.

Songs of Praise on Sunday 12 May at 5 pm – come and sing your favourite hymns to celebrate our Easter joy!

Year of Vocation Diocesan Course: starting on Wednesday 15 May at 7.30 pm, we propose to meet in church for this engaging course (including video clips). Do sign up to indicate interest.

Parish Book Group: Our current book is ‘The Essex Serpent’ by Sarah Perry, with discussion groups on Monday 3rd June at 8 pm or Thursday 6th June at 10 am. See Book Group notice board at the back of church for further info.


Revd. Mark Eminson: The Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. vicar@paghamchurch.org, 262713. (Day off Friday)

Safeguarding officer: Jan Brockhurst, safeguarding@paghamchurch.org.

Church website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.
Deadline for next issue (4 May) – Wednesday 1 May

Morning Prayer: 9 am Monday–Thursday, 8.30 am Friday, 9.30 am Saturday
Evening Prayer: 5 pm Monday, Wednesday & Thursday