Current parish book is ‘Life of the Beloved – Spiritual Living in a Secular World’, by Henri Nouwen. Sign-up on notice board.
Discussion groups: Monday 24th February at 8 pm. and Thurs 27th Feb 10am.
Confirmation – The next confirmation is on Sun 22 June, 5.30pm at the cathedral. Formal preparation sessions start after Easter, but ask Mark if you might be interested in taking this step in faith and there will be informal preparation opportunities through Lent.
Quiet Gardens Movement – Runcton Manor, near Chichester, affiliated to the national Quiet Gardens Movement, is involved in Christian meditation and offering days of reflection and other activities. There is a vacancy for 1-2 people to rent a room in the Manor and be involved in developing activities there. For further information contact Kate Taylor at 01243 776999 or 07808761696.
Men’s Group – Next pub meeting is on Sat 1 March at 8pm, appropriately on St. David’s Day at The Lamb.
Ecumenical Lent Groups – Information on this year’s Ecumenical Lent Groups can be found on the notice board. As in recent years, York Course material is being used – this time ‘Build on the Rock’. Please sign up on the sheet today, indicating which day/time would best suit you.
Pagham Lent Group – We are also having a series of sermons on prayer this Lent with the opportunity to meet informally in the week to discuss the theme. Please sign up on the notice board if you would like to meet on Wednesday evenings or express interest in a daytime group.
Palm Crosses – please return your Palm Crosses by Sunday 2nd March ready to be burned to make the ash for Ash Wednesday
Winter Warmer Casserole Evening – 7.30pm Fri 28th Feb St. Andrew’s Chapel. £10 ticket to include dessert (£8 for members of the Friends). See Carole or Rich Druce for further details and any dietary requirements, tel. 07738 768890. Numbers limited to 24.
Legacy– We are most grateful to the late Anthony Perez, who has left St. Thomas a’ Becket’s £1000 in his will.
Guildford Cathedral – A reminder for members of the congregation going to Guildford Cathedral on February 22nd, that the coach is scheduled to depart from the bus stop outside St Richard’s Vicarage, Gossamer Lane, Aldwick at 08:45. Cars may be parked behind St Richard’s Church in the Mosse Hall Car Park ( access via St Richard’s Way).
Walsingham 2014 – Roland would like all outstanding ‘Pilgrim Booking Forms’ to be returned to him on or before March 2nd.
Envelopes for the next 12 Months commencing in February are in the pigeon holes in Church ready for their collection – thank you.
Good News delivery help required – Could anyone help deliver when people are on holiday or ill? Please contact Anthea (264466).
Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email:
Pews News: Sarah or Nikki can be contacted via Email:
or tel. Mark Eminson 262713
Registered Charity No 1134842
The Church of St Thomas a’Becket, Pagham
Weekly Pews News
No.662 16th February 2014
Colour of the season: Green
Third Sunday Before Lent
Collect for the day: Almighty God, who alone can bring order to the unruly wills and passions of sinful humanity: give your people grace so to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that, among the many changes of this world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ you Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Response to Psalm 119: Happy are they who walk in the law of the Lord.
After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments in
St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better.
Sunday 16th February
Intention: Pray for those married here & preparing for marriage this year; for family life and especially for any families facing adversity.
Anniversary: Gertrude Bradley (1977)
8.00 am Holy Communion (Septuagesima)
9.45 am Parish Eucharist
6.00 pm Evening Worship – Celtic
Monday 17th February (Janani Luwum)
Intention: Pray for the press, radio & television and for all who influence public opinion. For Christian publishing & broadcasting.
Anniversary: Agnes Robbins (1991)
Tuesday 18th February
Intention: Pray for Christian unity. Pray for all seafarers, fishermen & lifeboat men. For the work of the Mission to Seafarers.
7.00pm The Eucharist
7.00pm Ladies Club (AGM)
Wednesday 19th February
Intention: Pray for church finances, National & International finance; for what the words poverty & wealth mean to us.
10.00 am Holy Communion
12 noon Luncheon Club – St Ninian’s Hall (Anthea Potter 264466)
2-4pm Knit & Natter – at Glenda, 31 Sea Lane, (263537)
Thursday 20th February
Intention: Pray for all victims of violence, crime & oppression; for all those who seek to support them.
Friday 21st February
Intention: Pray for the sick in body, mond or spirit; for the addicted, handicapped or incurable; for the work of St Wilfrid’s Hospice.
Anniversaries: Thomas Best (1985) John (‘Jack’) Field (1996)
Saturday 22nd February
Intention: Pray for our Deanery of Arundel & Bognor, for our parishes, clergy & people; for our rural Dean Mark Standen, and for the work of Deanery Synod.
Anniversary: John Fisk (2008)
Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer
Morning prayer: Monday to Thursday and Saturday 9.20am. Friday 8.30am
Evening Prayer: Monday to Thursday 5.20 pm. Friday 4.30pm
No evening prayer in church this week
PCC Members: If possible could all PCC members meet for a brief meeting in the South Transept following the 9.45 service today
Prayers and Intentions
We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: Joseph Griggs, Andrew Shipp, Richard and Maggie, Lucia Elsom, Peter Spurway, Baby Pip.
To add someone to the prayer list either write their name on the board near the church door or let Mark or the editors of Pews News know. We will pray for that person for about a month. After a month the name can be added again, but it is the responsibility of the one who made the initial request.
For urgent prayer contact Angela Halfacree to activate the Prayer Chain (Tel: 864353)
For longer-term prayer needs contact Gillian Purvis (tel 267597).
We pray for those who have died recently, Aaron Frost, Elsie Kennett, Barrie Moyle, Phoebe Ryan and for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.
We also pray for Michael and Darren Callaway around the first anniversary of their deaths.
We pray for Ashley Campbell and his family during his tour in Afghanistan.
Coffee and Scripture at Glenda’s will restart after Easter.
Church helpers – required to keep our beautiful church clean and tidy. Just 1.5 hours one day per month light exercise. Join the team, enjoy the fellowship, and the rewards will speak for themselves! Contact Sue Miller; 01243 261839 or 07845 926766, email
Women’s World Day of Prayer – 7th March 2014 – Streams in the Desert – The service for the Women’s World day of Prayer will be held at St Thomas a Becket’s Church at 3 pm on Friday 7th March. Women’s World Day of Prayer is as international, inter-church organisation which enables us to hear the voices of women from all parts of the world, their hopes, concerns and prayers. The theme this year is ‘Streams in the Desert’ and is prepared and offered by women in Egypt. Since the uprising in 2011 there has been conflict between religious groupings and we pray with the women of Egypt for peace. Women’s World day of Prayer services will be celebrated in over 170 countries. Come and join us – all are welcome, men and women and of all ages. Cakes for refreshments after the service will be gratefully received. Gillian Purvis
Church Website update: To add content to the website email
Next Sunday |
Second Sunday Before Lent (G) |
8.00am |
Holy Communion (Septuagesima)
Readings: 2 Corinthians 11.19-31, Luke 8.4-15 |
Parish Eucharist
Readings: Genesis 1.1-2.3, Psalm 136, Romans 8.18-25, Matthew 6.25-end Hymns: 450, 314, 415, 162, Communion 566 |
6.00pm |
Evening Worship – Celtic |