

Flowers – the daffodils for today are given by Gilly Naylor in memory of her mother.


Confirmation – there will be a confirmation in June and the first part of preparation will comprise the Pilgrim Course through Lent.  Please see Mark or Jo if you are interested in exploring this further.


Shrove Tuesday Celebration – 17th February, 3-5pm at the Vicarage. Join us for delicious pancakes and the burning of palm crosses. Adults £1, children 50p.


Pilgrim – We have two Pilgrim groups starting over the next two weeks, both groups will be studying book 2 of the course looking at The Lord’s Prayer.  To join the Monday group contact Roland Ell or to join the Tuesday evening group contact Jo King


Parish Book Group – Our current book is ‘A Morbid Taste For Bones’ by Ellis Peters. See the Book Group notice board for further information and sign-up sheets. Discussion groups: Wednesday 25th Feb at 8pm & Thursday 26th Feb at 10am.


Sunday School  Parents are reminded that the helpers at Sunday School are more than happy to look after your children whilst you enjoy the service.  If after you have settled your children you are still worried that they might need you, let the helpers know and they will be happy to come and find you if needed.


Parish Day at Chichester Cathedral : Friday 27 February 2015.

Our Parish will be prayed for on 27 February at the 8 a.m. Holy Communion Service and at 5.30 p.m. Evensong.   We have been invited to attend either or both of these Services and we have also been invited to a complimentary tea at 4.30 p.m. in the Cloisters Cafe.  A tour of the Cathedral before tea can be arranged but we must have a minimum of 6 people.   As we have to advise the Cathedral of likely numbers please sign the list on the notice board by Sunday 22nd February 2015.    Any query please contact June Baker our Parish/Cathedral Link on 262344.


Safeguarding. The PCC have recently agreed and updated the revised 2015 Child Protection Policy Statement, which recognises that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church community. Consequently safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone. We also have a signed policy statement for the safeguarding of adults in church, especially those who may be vulnerable at a particular time. We can all be effective in this important mission by being aware of the well-being and actions of those around us, reporting any concerns to Revd Mark Eminson, Jan Brockhurst or the Church Wardens. The statements can both be seen on the notice board in the North Aisle.


Lent leaflet – do all take a Lent leaflet to help you keep this holy season.


Registered Charity No 1134842

Colour of the season: Green


Sunday next before Lent

Collect for the day: Almighty Father, whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Response to psalm 50: Our God will come and will not keep silence


Our Opportunities for Worship Today


  Sunday next before Lent                                              (G)
8.00am Holy Communion (Quinquagesima)Readings: 1 Corinthians 13, Luke 18: 31-end
9.45am Parish EucharistReadings: 2 Kings 2: 1-12, Psalm 50: 1-6, 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6, Mark 9: 2-9

Hymns: 457, 17, 714, 448 Communion: 100, 365, 67

5.00pm Evening Prayer – Book of Common PrayerReadings: 1 Kings 19: 1-16, 2 Peter 1: 16-end

After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments in St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better.

Sunday 15th February

Intention: Pray for our local community; Parish pastoral Care Team, for the County, District & Parish Councils, for our Residents’ Associations.

Anniversary:      Agnes Ray (2007)


Monday 16th February

Intention: Pray for those married here & preparing for marriage this year; for family life and especially for any families facing adversity.

Anniversary:     Gertrude Bradley (1977)

10am                Pilgrim Group – St Andrew’s Chapel, Church


Tuesday 17th February (Shrove Tuesday) Janani Luwum

Intention: Pray for the press, radio & televisions and for all who influence public opinion. For Christian publishing & broadcasting.

Anniversary:     Agnes Robbins (1991)

11am                Burial of ashes of Pam Bech

12.45pm            Funeral of Bill Clark

3-5pm               Pancakes at the vicarage

7.00pm              Ladies Club – AGM


Wednesday 18th February         Ash Wednesday

Intention: Pray for all seafarers, fishermen & lifeboat men. For the work of the Mission to Seafarers.

10.00am           Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes

12noon              Luncheon Club – St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt 268818)

2-4pm               Knit & Natter at Judith’s (Tel: 267678)

4.00pm                        The Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes

8.00pm                        Sung Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes


Thursday 19th February

Intention: Pray for Church finances, National & international finance; for what the words poverty & wealth mean to us.


Friday 20th February

Intention: Pray for all victims of violence, crime & oppression; for all those who seek to support them.

11.30am            Funeral of Robert Woodford


Saturday 21st February

Intention: Pray for the sick in body, mind or spirit; for the addicted, handicapped or incurable; for the work of St Wilfrid’s Hospice.

Anniversaries:  Thomas Best (1985), John (‘Jack’) Field (1996)

Prayers and Intentions


We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: Anthea Potter, Bruce Allinson, Esther Chesterton, Patricia Pooley, Hazel Swan, Barnaby King, David Morrison, Kenrina Thomas, Judi March, Rita Thompson, Doris Watts. For urgent prayer please contact Gillian Purvis (Tel: 267597) or Colin Wood (Tel: 264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.


We pray for those who have died recently: Joshua Bennett, Eric Atkins, Bill Clark, Sylvia Pepper, Robert Woodford, Janet Bover, Roy Tomlinson, Don Lemon, Mary Baldwin and for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.



Contact Details


Church Website update: To add content to the website email


Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email: (day off Friday)


Jo King – Curate can be contacted on 01243 276949. Email: (day off Friday)


Pews News: Editor Nikki can be contacted by email:

(Tel: 01243 828445) or tel Mark Eminson 01243 262713


Next Sunday First Sunday of Lent                                                         (P)
8.00am Holy Communion Readings: 2 Corinthians 6: 1-10, Matthew 4: 1-11
9.45am Parish EucharistReadings: Genesis 9: 8-17, Psalm 25: 1-9, 1 Peter 3: 18-end, Mark 1: 9-15

Hymns: 161, 45, 190, 32 Communion: 516, 212

5.00pm Evening Prayer – Celtic