Weekly Pews News
No. 8362
Colour of the season: G
Date: 13th August 2017
Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Collect for the day:
Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your Church: open our hearts to the riches of your grace, that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in love and joy and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Our Opportunities for Worship today
Ninth Sunday after Trinity (W)
Holy Communion
Readings: 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13, Luke 16: 1-9
Parish Eucharist with Marriage of Matthew Murray and Clare Cooper
Romans 10: 5-15, Matthew 14: 22-33
Hymns: 310, 361, 511, 525 Communion: 622, 144, 413
Baptisms of Michael Delury and Lucy Crumlish
Evening Prayer – Book of Common Prayer
1 Kings 11: 41-12: 20, Acts 14: 8-20
After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather
for refreshments in St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better
Sunday 13th August
Intention: Pray for our Organist and Director of Music, our choir and musicians, our Lay Ministers of Communion, altar servers and bell ringers.
Monday 14th August
Intention: Pray for our Parochial Church Council, its officers and committees.
Tuesday 15th August – The Blessed Virgin Mary
Intention: Pray for our local community; Parish pastoral Care Team, for the County, District and Parish Councils, for our Residents’ Associations.
Anniversary: Cecilia Alldred (1977)
7.00pmThe Eucharist
Wednesday 16th August
Intention: Pray for those married here and preparing for marriage this year; for family life and especially for any families facing adversity.
10.00amHoly Communion
12 noon Luncheon Club –St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt 268818)
7.30pm Julian Group at The Studio, Cypress Way (266866)
Thursday 17th August
Intention: Pray for the press, radio and televisions and for all who influence public opinion; for Christian publishing and broadcasting.
Friday 18th August
Intention: Pray for all seafarers, fishermen, lifeboatmen and women; for the work of the Mission to Seafarers.
Saturday 19th August
Intention: Pray for Church finances, National and international finance; for what the words poverty and wealth mean to us.
Anniversary: Frederick Stevens (1990)
We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: David Atkins, Elizabeth Dove, Judi March, Avis, Bob Riding, Isobelle, Arthur Harrison, Raymond, Amy, Harrison, Katie, Sandy, Gill, Paul, Clare.
For urgent prayer please contact Gillian Purvis (Tel: 267597) or Colin Wood (Tel: 264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.
We pray for Elizabeth Dove, Kathleen Dudley, Ellinor Gordon-Lennox, Ethel Huckle, Val James, Eileen Knight, Frank and Mary Lawton.
We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in Princes Croft, Priors Way, Priory Close.
We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.
We pray for Matthew Murray and Clare Cooper on the day of their wedding.
We pray for Michael Delury and Lucy Crumlish and their parents and godparents on the day of their baptism.
We pray for Tearfund whose work we support as a parish.
Church Website update: To add content to the website email editor@paghamchurch.org
Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email: vicar@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday)
Revd. Jo King can be contacted on curate@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday) or 01243 930247.
Pews News: Louise Gibbs (Editor) can be contacted by email: louise.gibbs1109@rocketmail.com (Tel: 07773 135005).
Next Sunday
Tenth Sunday after Trinity (G)
Holy Communion
Readings: 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11, Luke 19: 41-47
Parish Eucharist with Baptism of Serennah Stanley
Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32, Matthew 15: 21-28
Hymns: 662, 797, 280, 509
Communion: See hymn board
Evening Worship – Taizé
Church Families BBQ: Sunday 10th September 12.30pm at The Vicarage. All families should have received an invitation to this, please do remember to let Elise or Mark know if you are coming so they can arrange the right amount of food.
Friends of Pagham Parish Church: BBQ and Skittles at The Spur, Slindon – Friday 18th August – £18.00 (‘Friends members’ – £16.50). Come along and have an evening of fun and laughter, and enjoy a summer BBQ; details and tickets are available from Richard Druce – 07825309585, with sign-up sheet on the noticeboard.
Accommodation request: a parishioner is looking for a small place to rent or a room, for no more than £500 a month. They do have a cat. Character reference can be supplied. Do speak to Mark for more information.
Parish Book Group: Our current book is ’The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood. Join a discussion group on Monday 11th September at 8pm, or Thursday 14th September at 10am. See the Book Group notice board for further information and sign-up sheets.