Weekly Pews News

No 19-02

13 January 2019

Baptism of Christ
Launch of the Year of Vocation

Collect for the day

Heavenly Father, at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son:

may we recognize him as our Lord and know ourselves to be your beloved children; through Jesus Christ our Saviour.



     Baptism of Christ & Launch of Year of Vocation   (W)  
8 am Holy Communion – Epiphany 1

Readings: Romans 12: 1-5; Luke 2: 41–end

9.45 am Family Eucharist

Readings: Isaiah 43: 1-7; Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22

Hymns: 573, 797, 29, 332

5 pm Evening Prayer – Book of Common Prayer

Isaiah 55: 1-11; Romans 6: 1-11

After the Eucharist, all are welcome to gather for refreshments
and socialise in St Andrew’s chapel at the back of church


Morning Prayer: 9 am Mon–Thurs, 8.30 am Fri, 9.30 am Saturday
Evening Prayer: 5 pm Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

Registered charity number: 1134842


Sunday 13th January

Intention: our Organist and Director of Music, choir and musicians; our Lay Ministers of Communion, altar servers and bell-ringers.

Anniversary: Frederick Hadler (1960); George Weaver (2003); Clive Bratt (2018)

Monday 14th January

Intention: our Parochial Church Council, its officers and committees.

8 pm           Book group at the Vicarage

Anniversary: Margaret Woombell (1999)

Tuesday 15th January

Intention: our local community; our Parish Pastoral Care Team, local Residents’ Associations, and the County, District and Parish Councils.

7 pm               The Eucharist

7.45 pm      Ladies’ Club at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane

Anniversary: Gladys Pickett (1991)

Wednesday 16th January

Intention: our Church finances, national and international finance; consider what the words poverty and wealth mean to us.

10 am             Holy Communion

12 noon       Luncheon Club at St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt, 268818)

2-4 pm        Knit & Natter at Mary’s, 2 Honeysuckle Drive (263852)

Anniversary: Ronald Masters (1982)

Thursday 17th January – Antony of Egypt

Intention: the press, radio and television corporations, and all who influence public opinion; also Christian publishing and broadcasting.

10 am                  Book group at the Vicarage

7.30 pm      Julian group at 1 Church Way (Sue Davis, 262915)

Anniversary: Helene Shaw (2003)

Friday 18th January – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts

Intention: all seafarers, fishermen and lifeboat crews, and the work of the Mission to Seafarers.

1.30 pm      Funeral of Stephanie (Dizzy) Bennett

7 pm           Burns Night celebration at the Church Centre

Saturday 19th January – Wulfstan

Intention: those married here and preparing for marriage this year; family life, and especially any families facing adversity.

10 am-3 pm          Marriage Preparation Day


We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Sue Smith, Judi March, Bill Mitchell, Lynette, Zoe, Eugene West, Ann, Sheila King, Ray Radmall, Mary Ramsay, Roderick Plastow, Ethel Huckle, Simon, John Evans, Maria, Daley Freddino, Nicola, Carol Powell.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died recently: Dizzy Bennett, Daphne Woolnough, Mark Kingsman, Mary Griffin.

We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time, and all who mourn their passing.

We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Kathleen Dudley, Eileen Knight, Mary Lawton, Eva Maltby.

We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in our parish: Arun Way, Avian Gardens, Barley Close.

We pray for Linda Tempest as she is commissioned as our Lay Champion.


Revd. Mark Eminson: The Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ.

vicar@paghamchurch.org, 262713. (Day off Friday)

Church Website update: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.

(Deadline for notices: Wednesday afternoon)

Next Sunday        Third Sunday of Epiphany        (W)
8 am Holy Communion (Epiphany 2)

Readings: Romans 12: 6-16; John 2: 1-11

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Isaiah 62: 1-5; Psalm 36: 5-10;
1 Corinthians 12: 1-11; John 2: 1-11

Hymns: 85, 152, 609, 36

5 pm Evening Worship – Taizé


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs 18th – 25th January.

Bishop Martin’s Rule of Life: the second part of this (“Christmas”) is available at the back of church for those who are interested.

Year of Vocation: today is the official launch of this diocesan year when we thank God for our calling in baptism and receive baptism cards. As part of this, we also commission Linda Tempest as our Lay Champion and hear something of how she lives out her vocation in the world. This will be a monthly series, so if others are happy to share in this way, do speak to Mark. Literature about opportunities this year is on or near the noticeboard.

Confirmation preparation – if anyone is interested in exploring confirmation, initial sessions will begin soon. Do speak to Mark for a further chat.

Bishop Luffa consultation on admissions arrangements from 2020 – see the letter on the noticeboard detailing how you can comment on this.

Freewill Offerings: the white freewill offering envelopes for the forthcoming year are now in the pigeon holes in church for collection.

Chichester Cathedral’s lunchtime concerts restart this Tuesday at 1.10 pm. Concerts are free, with a retiring collection. Programme details are displayed on our church noticeboards, and each concert is listed on the Cathedral website with a short biography and photo of the artist. For any further information contact June Baker, our Parish/Cathedral Link.

Ladies’ Club: on Tuesday at 7.45 pm, professional tourist guide Sally Botwright presents a talk about London. All welcome.

Our Julian group meets on Thursday (see diary). The purpose of meetings is to foster the practice of contemplative prayer and meditation in the Christian tradition. Sessions generally begin with quiet music and a short reading, continue in silence for 30 minutes, and end with refreshments. More information from Julia Webb (266866).

Burns night, a ticket-only event hosted by the Men’s Group, takes place on Friday at 7 pm. Dress code: tartan or tweed. Add names on the list in church, or via Stephen (266800).

Defibrillator Training: Peter and Carol-Anne Pocock have kindly offered to run a training session for the use of our new church defibrillator on Sunday 27th, 2–4 pm. If you would like to attend, contact Mike Wake (264254), mikewake@talktalk.net.

First Aid: the current list of First Aiders who have received recent training is on the notice board.

Daphne Woolnough – we were sorry to hear of Daphne’s death just after new year. She died peacefully in a residential home in Bosham. Her funeral is going to be on Wednesday 30th at 2.30 pm in church. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.