Weekly Pews News

No 18-36

9 September 2018

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Collect for the day

God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit upon your Church in the burning fire of your love: grant that your people may be fervent in the fellowship of the gospel that, always abiding in you, they may be found steadfast in faith and active in service; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.



Post communion prayer for the Year of Prayer

Go before us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favour, and further us with your continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy Name, and finally by your mercy obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Next Sunday           Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity       (G)                  
8 am Holy Communion

Readings: Galatians 6: 11–end; Matthew 6: 24–end

9.45 am Family Eucharist

Readings: Isaiah 35: 4–7a; Matthew 11: 25–30
Hymns: 739, 26, 29, 485

5 pm Evening Prayer – Book of Common Prayer

Readings: Exodus 14: 5–end; Matthew 6: 1–18


After the Eucharist, all are welcome to gather for refreshments and socialise in St Andrew’s chapel at the back of church


Sunday 9 September

Intention: the Queen and Royal Family, our Nation and Government, our local MP Nick Gibb and MEPs.

12.30 pm     Church Families’ Barbecue

Anniversary: Tony Perez (2013)

Monday 10 September

Intention: our local clubs and organisations, especially our Luncheon Club, Ladies’ Club and Men’s Club.

Tuesday 11 September

Intention: our Scouts, Guides, Cadets and other local youth organisations.

7 pm               Healing Eucharist

Anniversary: Eileen Piper            (2008); David Dewing (2011)

Wednesday 12 September

Intention: our local industry and commerce, our farmers and growers, and the holiday industry.

10 am             Holy Communion

12 noon       Luncheon Club at St Ninian’s Hall: Jean Hunt (268818)

2-4 pm        Knit & Natter at Carole’s, 31 Grange Court (865167)

7.30 pm         Guild of the Servers of the Sanctuary Evensong

Thursday 13 September – John Chrysostom

Intention: our Organist and Director of Music, choir and musicians; our Lay Ministers of Communion, altar servers and bell-ringers.

Friday 14 September – Holy Cross Day

Intention: our Parochial Church Council, its officers and committees.

Saturday 15 September – Cyprian

Intention: our local community; our Parish pastoral Care Team, local Residents’ Associations, and the County, District and Parish Councils.




Morning Prayer is at 9.20 am Monday–Thursday and Saturday,
and 8.30 am Friday.





We pray for all in need of healing in body, mind or spirit: Sue Smith, Judi March, Bill Mitchell, Lynette, Zoe, Joan & Derek Hardie, Peter Easterbrook, Eugene West, Ann, Sheila King, Pisamai Thongsai, Amanda, Keith, Hugh, Stan Beaumont, Diane Wills, Dawn, Edward, Neil, Christopher Browne, Bill & Maureen Howard, Philip Martin, Roy.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died recently: Kelsey Morris, Beryl Gore, Peter Eden.

We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time, and all who mourn their passing.

We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Kathleen Dudley, Ethel Huckle, Eileen Knight, Frank and Mary Lawton, Eva Maltby.

We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in our parish: Sea Way, Sefter Road, Shirley Close.

We pray for Nyewood Infant and Junior Schools, whose work we support financially as a parish.


Revd. Mark Eminson: The Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ.

vicar@paghamchurch.org, 262713. (Day off Friday)

Church website: email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131. (Deadline for notices is Wednesday afternoon.)

Next Sunday           Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity       (G)                  
8 am Holy Communion

Readings: Ephesians 3: 13-end; Luke 7: 11-17

9.45 am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Proverbs 1: 20-33; Psalm 19; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8: 27–end

Hymns: 105, 211, 572, 503

5 pm Evening Prayer – Taizé


Peter Eden: we were sorry to hear of Peter’s death recently; may he rest in peace. Our prayers go out to Jo and all who mourn his passing. Peter’s funeral will be in church on Monday 17th at 2pm, then a reception in St Andrew’s Chapel.

Cathedral Weekly Lunchtime Concerts recommence on Tuesday 11th , 1.10-2 pm. Admission is free, with a retiring collection. BYO sandwiches – coffee provided. See noticeboard for the programme; more details from June Baker, our Parish/Cathedral Link.

Quiet afternoons at Holy Cross Church: 1-4 pm, BYO lunch, drinks provided. Monday 17th: Reflections on the Eucharist with Revd Keith Smith;
Monday 1 October: Psalm 51 with Revd Trevor Marshall.

Quiet Garden Movement: Runcton Manor hosts a Quiet Garden on Wednesday 19th, 10.30-1 pm. Details at runctonmanor.com or T: 278307.

Story of Pagham Weddings: Saturday 22nd, 11 am–4 pm. If you can help with this event, please complete the form in the pews/on the noticeboard or let Elise know. There is also a sign-up sheet for catering shifts on the noticeboard. Posters and fliers to display or distribute are available at the back of church. Spread the word!

Licensing of Revd. Jo King as Priest-in-Charge at Holy Cross, North Bersted, takes place on Tuesday 25th at 7.30 pm. Do sign the list on the noticeboard if you wish to attend (we have at least 25 tickets).

Harvest Supper: Saturday 29th, 6.30pm at the Church Centre. Join us for delicious food and homespun entertainment. Please bring your own alcohol. Adults £7.50, children £4. All proceeds to the Diocesan Harvest Appeal. Details and sign-up sheet on noticeboard. Money to Trudi/ Elise by Sunday 23rd.

Harvest Festival Flowers: If you would like to donate towards the cost of the flowers, in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an event, please speak to Trudi.

Launde Abbey 2019: 12-15 August. We need to pay the deposit by the end of the month. Please sign up ASAP to indicate interest.

Autumn Course on Prayer: at least three groups will be offering the Diocesan Prayer Course ‘Finding God in all things’, starting this or next month. See the noticeboard for more information and to sign up.

Sponsor a Silhouette for the centenary of the end of the First World War, for our afternoon event on 11 November. We have been awarded 10 bench silhouettes to commemorate the fallen. 21 men of Pagham died in the conflict, so could we as a church sponsor another 11? Cost of each one is £42. View on the website: therebutnotthere.org.uk. Speak to the vicar or wardens if you can help.

Parish Book Group: our current book is ‘A Glass of Blessings’ by Barbara Pym. Join a discussion group on Wednesday 7 November at 8 pm, or Thursday 8 November at 10 am. See the Book Group notice board at the back of church for further information.

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