Weekly Pews News

No. 826

Colour of the season: R

Date: 9th April 2017


Palm Sunday


Collect for the day:

Almighty and everlasting God, who in your tender love towards the human race sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross: grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever



Psalm: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?



Our Opportunities for Worship today


  Palm Sunday                                                               (R)
8.00am Holy Communion

Readings: Philippians 2: 5-11, Matthew 27: 1-54

9.45am Parish Eucharist with blessing of palms, procession and dramatic reading of the Passion

Isaiah 50: 4-9a, Psalm 31: 9-16, Philippians 2: 5-11, Matthew 26:14-end of 27

Hymns: 14,583,463,195                            

Communion: See hymn board

5.00pm Evening Prayer – Compline


After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments in St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better


Sunday 9th April

Intention: Pray for the Queen and Royal Family, our Nation and Government, our local MP and MEP.

Anniversary: Derek Bech (2016)


Monday 10th April – Monday of Holy Week

Intention: Pray for our local clubs and organisations, especially our Ladies Club, The Luncheon Club and The Mens Club.

Anniversary: Maurice Plumb (2010)


7.30pm           The Eucharist


Tuesday 11th April – Tuesday of Holy Week

Intention: Pray for our scouts, guides, cadets and other local youth organisations.

Anniversary: Norman Fagg (1975), Sarah Sheppard (1976)


7.00pm           Seder (Passover) meal concluding with the Eucharist


Wednesday 12th April – Wednesday of Holy Week

Intention: Pray for our local industry and commerce, our farmers and growers and the holiday industry.

Anniversary: Frederick Hughes (1985), Frederick Kitchen (2005), Doris Moore    (2013)


10.00am         Holy Communion

10am -12 noon   Stay and Play – Church Centre

12 noon         Luncheon Club –St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt 268818)

2-4pm             Knit and Natter at Joan’s – 3 Church Way (265083)

7.30pm           Stations of the Cross


Thursday 13th April – Maundy Thursday

Intention: Pray for our Organist and Director of Music, our choir and musicians, our Lay Ministers of Communion, altar servers and bell ringers.

Anniversary: Gladys Humphrey (1984)


8.00pm           The Eucharist with foot-washing, followed by the Watch of the Passion overnight


Friday 14th April – Good Friday

Intention: Pray for our Parochial Church Council, its officers and committees.

Anniversary: Walter Groves (1990)


12noon           Children’s Way of the Cross

2.30pm           The Liturgy, including veneration of the cross and dramatic reading of the Passion


Saturday 15th April – Holy Saturday

Intention: Pray for our local community; Parish pastoral Care Team, for the County, District and Parish Councils, for our Residents’ Associations

Anniversary: Frank Weston (1989)


9.30am                       Decorating the church for Easter




We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit: David Atkins, Elizabeth Dove, Sue Smith, Judi March, Sue Downey, Geoff and Jean Ide, Isabelle Elliott, Prim, Mary Edwards, Sonia, Simon Woods, Richard, Mavis Toogood, Ray, Mike, Roger Hatch, Marion, George.


For urgent prayer please contact Gillian Purvis (Tel: 267597) or Colin Wood (Tel: 264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.


We pray for those who have died recently: Derek Smith, Pauline Bevan


We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.


We remember in our prayers: church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home. This week we pray for: Kathleen Dudley, Ethel Hadfield, Ethel Huckle, Val James, Eileen Knight, Frank and Mary Lawton


We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in Gloster Drive, Golden Acre, Greenlea Avenue.


We pray for Family Support Work whose work we support financially as a parish.




Church Website update: To add content to the website email editor@paghamchurch.org


Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email: vicar@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday)


Revd. Jo King can be contacted on curate@paghamchurch.org (day off Friday) or 01243 930247.


Next Sunday Easter Day                                                                (W)
5.00am Easter Vigil and Dawn Eucharist, followed by champagne breakfast
8.00am Holy Communion

Readings: Colossians 3: 1-7, John 20: 1-10

9.45am Family Eucharist

Acts 10: 34-43, John 20: 1-18

Hymns: 348,676,305,672

Communion: See hymn board

12.00noon Baptism of Louis Baker
5.00pm Evening Prayer – Common Worship

Song of Solomon 3: 2-5, 8: 6-7, Revelation 1: 12-18




Holy Week sign-up sheets: please add your names to the various ministries and to indicate attendance at services with catering over Holy Week and Easter.


Safeguarding: In line with new policies from the House of bishops, the Diocese have implemented some new developments in Safeguarding training, in particular a new Safeguarding Leadership module. It is now compulsory that everyone who has a position working with children/vulnerable adults in church must have the correct Diocesan training (or must be signed up to the next available upcoming session) to continue in their role. Many of those involved in these roles have completed their training in the past two weeks which is a great reflection on the enthusiasm for safe practice in our church.


Annual meetings – these take place on Thursday 20th April 7.30pm in church. All are encouraged to attend if they can and hear about the range of church life, as well as electing churchwardens and church officers. There are 5 vacancies each for PCC and Deanery Synod (which also means sitting on PCC) – do consider standing (forms on the board near the church door).


Flowers: We are hoping to fill the church with flowers again for Easter. If you would like to sponsor an arrangement, or contribute to the costs of the flowers, please speak to Trudi Kearsley – 263597. We will be decorating the Church on Easter Eve – Saturday 15th April from 9.30 am. We would be very grateful for donations of greenery, which should be brought down early Saturday morning.

Fundraising Auction for Raise the Roof: this event is on Friday 28th April at 7.00pm. Do spread the word with a flyer or in person or by social media as the catalogue is very impressive, so we hope for a well-supported night! You can buy tickets for £5 from Trudi in advance or on the door.


Electoral Roll – the up-to-date version of this is on the noticeboard near the door. Do check that we have your correct details and indeed if you are on it! Changes will be made after the APCM.


Churches Together  in Bognor Regis & District: Good Friday Walk of Witness 1th April. 10 am Bognor Methodist Church – walk along the High street, pausing at the end of London Road to pray and sing ‘Were you there ehen they crucified my Lord?’ 10.40 am Service at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church. Followed by hot cross buns – All are welcome!


Good News: Our monthly newsletter ‘Good News’ is an important part of our outreach. We currently have a number of vacant rounds and are seeking deliverers for: Edwin Close (27), Honeysuckle Drive (60), Laurel Drive (20), Springfirld, Pryors Way and Oakland Court Flats (53); if you can help speak to Mo Hatzfeld (268576) or Trudi Kearsley (263597).


Raise the Roof Cook Book 2017: We are compiling a Cook Book to sell in aid of Raise the Roof. We need you to share your recipes – Starters, Mains, Desserts, Cakes, Snacks, Party Food, BBQ food etc. Details on the noticeboard or speak to David Smith (263560) or Trudi Kearsley (263597).


Art Exhibition: Saturday 29th April – Monday 1st May.  Please add your names to the sheets on the noticeboard if you are able to assist with catering or stewarding. We would welcome donations of cakes. For information speak to Trudi 263597


Stay and Play Easter Wednesday 12th April 10 – 12 Church Centre Easter craft and activities for children. £1 for a family. Bring an adult.