Weekly Pews News

No. 18-9


Date: 4th March 2018

Third Sunday of Lent                          


Collect for the day Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Psalm response The commandment of the Lord is pure.

Post communion prayer for the Year of Prayer

Go before us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favour, and further us with your continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy Name, and finally by your mercy obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Our opportunities for worship today


                               Third Sunday of Lent                     (P)
8.00am Holy Communion

Readings: Ephesians 5: 1-14; Luke 11: 14-28

9.45am Parish Eucharist

Readings: Exodus 20: 1-17; Psalm 19;

1 Corinthians 1: 18-25; John 2: 13-22
Hymns: 19, 327, 149, Sheet

5.00pm Evening Prayer – Informal


After the Parish Eucharist, all are welcome to gather for refreshments and socialise in St. Andrew’s chapel at the back of the church

Sunday 4th March

Intention: all imprisoned in any way; the prisoners, staff, chaplains and visitors at HMP Ford.

Anniversary: Margaret Bell (1994); Douglas Pennicott (1999)

Monday 5th March

Intention: our children and young people, and their leaders; our Sunday School and Saints (older children), and Wednesday Tots.

11.00am Burial of ashes of Joyce Haxton

Anniversary: Frank Stedman (1959); Dorothy Tapping (1996); Olive Lewis (2005); Irene Plumb (2007)

Tuesday 6th March

Intention: our Queen and Royal Family; our nation and government; our MP Nick Gibb, and local MEPs.

10 am                  Lent group in St Andrew’s chapel
7 pm              The Eucharist
7 pm           Ladies’ Club at the Church Centre, Nyetimber Lane

Anniversary: Roland Hunt (2011)

Wednesday 7th March – Perpetua, Felicity & companions

Intention: our schools, colleges and universities; all teachers and learners, governors and administrators.

10.00am       Holy Communion

1.30pm               Wednesday Tots at the Church Centre

2-4pm                          Knit & Natter at Sue’s, 1 Church Way (262915)
7.30pm       Stations of the Cross

Anniversary: Ronald Knight (1955)

Thursday 8th March – Edward King

Intention: the hungry, homeless, refugees and asylum seekers; the work of the Church Army, Christian Aid and all relief agencies.

Anniversary: Jessie Towler (1983); Lilian Gilham (2007)

Friday 9th March

Intention: our Archbishops, Justin Welby of Canterbury and John Sentamu of York; the work of the Archbishops’ Council and General Synod; the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Anniversary: Gladys Halling (1993)

Saturday 10th March

Intention: our local clubs and organisations, especially our Ladies’ Club, Men’s Club and Luncheon Club.

Anniversary: Betty Wadlow (1996); Joyce Winfield (2006)


We pray for all in need, and especially for healing in mind, body or spirit: Judi March, Sue Smith, Maureen Howard, Bill Mitchell, Ellen Earwaker, Lynette, Gillian Grimmond, Lynne, James, Maureen Howland, Jane Prater, Mavis Eede, Bo Campling, Clare, Joe, Mary Edwards, Cosmo Mather, Trish.

For urgent prayer, contact Gillian Purvis (267597) or Colin Wood (264192) to activate the Prayer Chain.

Those who have died recently: Eileen Gower, Al, Edna Puttock.

We pray for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time, and all who mourn their passing.

We remember in our prayers Church members who live in residential care or receive communion at home: Isobel Aldred, Beatrice Armstrong, Anne Atkins, Madge Breakspear, Brenda Dobson.

We pray for God’s blessing upon all who live in our parish: Channel View, Church Lane, Church Way.

We pray for Shelter Box, whose work we support financially as a parish.


Revd. Mark Eminson: The Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ.

E: vicar@paghamchurch.org T: 262713. (Day off Friday)

Revd. Jo King: E: curate@paghamchurch.org T: 930247. (Day off Friday)

Church Website update: Email editor@paghamchurch.org to add content.

Pews News: Alison Blenkinsop, pewsnews@paghamchurch.org, 261131.

Next Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Lent/Mothering Sunday   (P)
8.00am Holy Communion

Readings: Galatians 4: 21–end; John 6: 1-14

9.45am Family Eucharist

Readings: 1 Samuel 1: 20-28; Luke 2: 33-35
Hymns: 25, 184, 182, 631

5.00pm Evening Prayer – Book of Common Prayer

Readings: Exodus 6: 2-13; Romans 5: 1-11


Lenten disciplines: see the mauve Lent, Holy Week and Easter leaflet for various opportunities and resources. Guidance in prayer or spiritual direction is available from one of the ministerial team. All are invited to attend our regular services of Morning and Evening Prayer: 9.20 am Monday–Thursday and Saturday; 8.30 am Friday; 5 pm Monday and Thursday.

Church Electoral Roll: the Annual Revision is under way. Please check your status is up to date; fill in a form, or check with Mark.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Data Protection law is changing. Please return your consent form, stating if and how you are happy for us to contact you about church matters, as soon as possible.

Fairtrade Fortnight 26th Feb–11th March. There is a display and fundraising cake sale after the main service today. Traidcraft goods can be ordered, including the Real Easter Egg which comes with the story of Easter. Visit www.fairtrade.org.uk.

Ladies’ Club AGM on Tuesday at 7pm with food, and music by Alison on the piano. Enquiries to Barbara Crew (264071). All welcome!

On International Women’s Day, Thursday 8th March, we remember all those affected by domestic abuse. Our local centre is My Sisters’ House, 3-6 Clockwalk, Bognor (697800); contact our parish link Linda on 07759 855719 for more information.

Friends of Pagham Parish Church AGM, Sunday 18th March at 4pm, in St Andrew’s Chapel, followed by refreshments. Nomination forms for officers are on the noticeboard. All welcome.

Choral Evensong Sunday 18th March at 5pm. Please join us for this traditional evening service following the Friends’ AGM.

Calling new Good News Deliverers! Our monthly newsletter is an important part of our outreach, and there are a few vacant rounds. We are seeking deliverers for Edwen Close (27), Honeysuckle Drive (60), Laurel Drive (20) and Lagoon Road (51). If you are able to help, please speak to Mo Hatzfeld (268576) or Trudi Kearsley (263597).

Concert of devotional music: Saturday 17th March at 7.30pm, by St Richard Singers at St George’s Church, Cleveland Road, Chichester. Fliers at the back of church. Enquiries to Alison, 261131.