The Friends of St Thomas a’ Becket Church are holding their annual golf day at the Church Farm mini golf course on Saturday 6th September 2014. The cost will be £7.00 per entrant and the start (tee off) times will be from 11.00 a.m. Please put your name on the list at the back of the church. The prize giving will be at The Lamb Inn afterwards. Tickets can be purchased from Michael Biggs in church or phone 263537
Families Barbecue – Sunday 7 September at the Vicarage after church. All Sunday School families and helpers welcome.
Chichester Cathedral Free Lunchtime Concerts – autumn programme commences Tuesday 16th September 1.10pm – 2pm. Bring sandwiches. Coffee provided. Retiring collection. Feel free to come and go as you wish. Full programme details plus details of Funtington Music Group autumn events on notice board in church and in the church porch. (June Baker – Parish/Cathedral link)
Parish Book Group – To mark the First World War Centenary, over the summer we will be reading “Regeneration” by Pat Barker. Further information and sign-up sheets on Book Group notice board. Discussion groups: Monday 15th September at 8pm & Thursday 18th Sept at 10am.
Last Night of the Proms – Sat 20th Sept in church at 7.30pm. WW1 & WW2 songs plus all the traditional favourites. Bring your flags and voices. Tickets £5 available in church from Ann, Mo, Trudi or tel 901243) 826071
Visit by Bishop – We will be hosting Bishop Martin on Sunday 28th September at the Parish Eucharist. This is part of his visitation of every benefice in the diocese and we are privileged to welcome him on a Sunday morning.
Harvest Supper – Sat 11th Oct As usual I am eager to hear from anyone who would like to take part in our ‘homespun’ entertainment. A song, a monologue, a joke, or join in the impromptu choir for the evening! See me in church or tel (01243) 826071 (Ann)
Luncheon Club meets on alternate Wednesdays at St. Ninian`s hall.
They need more people to join them to help keep costs down. They are a lively bunch who enjoy a good meal and happy company. The next lunch is Wednesday 3rd September. Free transport is available. Please contact Jean on 268818.
2014 Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal This year`s leaflets are now available at the back of the church. One leaflet to be used either for a Family Box or a box for the Elderly. Boxes to be returned to church by Sunday 9th November.
Please pick up a leaflet and fill a box – or if you feel that you can not fill a whole box perhaps you could supply some items or money towards the transport costs. Every little helps. Details – Trudi Kearsley 263597 Thankyou
Registered Charity No 1134842
The Church of St Thomas a’Becket, Pagham
Weekly Pews News
No.689 31st August 2014
Colour of the season: Green
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Collect for the day: O God you declare your almighty power most chiefly in showing mercy and pity: mercifully grant us such a measure of your grace, that we, running the way of your commandments, may receive your gracious promises, and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Response to psalm 26: Your love is before my eyes
0ur Opportunities for Worship today
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (G) | |
Holy Communion Readings: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11, Luke 18: 9-14 |
Parish EucharistReadings: Jeremiah 15: 15-21, Psalm 26: 1-8, Romans 12: 9-end, Matthew 16: 21-endHymns: 161, 658, 428, 281 Communion: 417, 45, 67 |
5.00pm |
Evening Prayer – Book of Common PrayerReadings: 2 Kings 6: 24-25; 7: 3-end, Acts 18: 1-16 |
After the Parish Eucharist you are welcome to gather for refreshments
in St. Andrew’s chapel, where we can get to know each other better.
Sunday 31st August
Intention: Pray for our family & friends.
8.00 am Holy Communion
9.45 am Parish Eucharist
5.00 pm Evening Prayer – Book of Common Prayer
Monday 1st September
Intention: Pray for our Parish Team – Clergy: Mark Eminson, Jo King, Colin Wood, Bill Meyer. Reader Roland Ell; Churchwardens: David Smith and Mike Wake.
1.00pm Funeral Gerald Mitchell in church
7.30pm Bell Ringers
8.00pm Meeting for Pilgrim Course leaders/helpers in St. Andrew’s Chapel
Tuesday 2nd September
Intention: Pray for our hospitals, doctors, district nurses, home care assistants, pharmacists, therapists, opticians, dentists; all who provide health care.
7.00pm The Eucharist
7.45pm Ladies Club – Trading Standards WSCC – OPEN EVENING
Wednesday 3rd September Gregory the Great
Intention: Pray for the Pilgrim Course – Leaders and participants. Pray for those baptised and confirmed here during the year, for their parents, godparents or sponsors. For our own godchildren.
10.00am Holy Communion
12noon Luncheon Club – St Ninian’s Hall (Jean Hunt tel 268818)
Thursday 4th September
Intention: Pray for all imprisoned in any way; and for the prisoners, staff, chaplains & visitors at HMP Ford.
Friday 5th September
Intention: Pray for our children and young people, and their leaders; for our Children’s Groups, Wednesday Club & Youth Group.
Saturday 6th September
Intention: Pray for our Archbishops, Justin Welby of Canterbury & John Sentamu of York; for the work of the Archbishops’ Council and General Synod; for the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Anniversary: Reginald Holyoak (1996)
Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer
Morning prayer: Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday 9.20am. Friday 8.30am
Evening Prayer: Tuesday to Thursday 5.20 pm. Friday 4.30pm
No evening prayer on Saturday
Prayers and Intentions
We pray for all in need and especially those in need of healing in mind, body or spirit:
Val and John James, Robin & Anthea Potter, Dawn Spurway, Ian Turner, Angela, June, Ray, Shannon, Sylvia, Bebe, Gay, Grace Smith, Tom
To add someone to the prayer list either write their name on the board near the church door or let Mark or the editor of Pews News know. We will pray for that person for about a month. After a month the name can be added again, but it is the responsibility of the one who made the initial request. Also please include start date on your request.
For urgent prayer contact Gillian Purvis to activate the Prayer Chain (Tel: 267597)
We pray for those who have died recently: Gerald Mitchell, Darren Callaway and for those recorded in our Memorial Book whose anniversaries occur at this time. We pray for all those who mourn their passing.
We Pray for Luke who is on tour in Afghanistan.
Church Website update: To add content to the website email
Revd. Mark Eminson can be contacted at the Vicarage, 38 Kings Drive, PO21 4PZ. Tel: 262713. Email:
Pews News: Nikki can be contacted via Email: (tel: 828445) or tel. Mark Eminson 262713
Next Sunday |
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity |
Holy Communion Readings: 2 Corinthians 3: 4-9, Mark 7: 31-end |
Parish Eucharist with baptisms of Will & Sam TylerReadings: Romans 13: 8-end, Matthew 18:15-20Hymns: 450, 797, 736, 511 Communion: 434, 817, 819 |
5.00pm |
Evening Prayer – Common WorshipReadings: Ezekiel 12: 21-13: 16, Acts 19: 1-20 |